College research papers
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Psychological Impact Paper Essay Example for Free
Mental Impact Paper Essay Social assorted variety is a reward in the general public today. The capacity to connect or coordinate with different societies offers you a chance to comprehend various societies and how they carry on with their life regularly. In spite of the fact that being socially assorted might be a positive viewpoint. It might have inconveniences relying upon your race. For instance, Racism, Discrimination, and Civil rights are factors that may cause a mental turn of events, pain, or conduct issue. In my paper I will examine the expected effect of prejudice, segregation, and social liberties on the mental turn of events, trouble and conduct on a social various African American. Bigotry â€Å"Racism comprises of convictions, mentalities, institutional courses of action, and acts that will in general slander people or gatherings in view of phenotype attributes or ethnic gathering affiliation,†(Hall, 2010. Pg 88). African Americans confronted prejudice every day during the 1900s. Lynch crowds and burnings threatened African Americans, making them be incredulous or in dread of leaving their own home. They were denied industry occupations and had to work low end employments. This came about in to poor day to day environments which influenced their emotional well-being. Picking cotton was their fundamental wellspring of salary. African Americans started to scrutinize their self-esteem in light of the fact that as of minorities they couldn't communicate their insight or relational abilities they used to be socially assorted. African Americans started to think they were futile simply because they couldn't give more to their families. â€Å"Categorical convictions about the natural as well as social mediocrity of some racial gatherings can assault the self-esteem of probably a few individuals from derided racial gatherings and sabotage the significance of their very existence†(Williams and Morris, 2000. Pg 255). African Americans confidence became to drop, causing them not to have the option to work intellectually. Prejudice may have diminished contrasted with the 1900s however it despite everything exists in present day. Separation Separation has been known to affect theâ psychological improvement, pain and conduct on African Americans. Segregation is (Define). â€Å"Recent qualitive investigations and editorial records uncover that dark experience segregation in an expansive scope of settings in the public arena and that these episodes can actuate extensive distress†(Williams and Morris, 2000. Pg 251). Rewarded unjustifiably affected the soundness of African Americans, causing tension or outrage. African Americans felt that they were excessively equipped for occupations that they were denied. Subsequent to being denied African Americans would lose control or baffled on account of not being dealt with similarly. African Americans were prideful of their way of life and the best way to show individuals of different societies is by indicating they were second rate. African Americans were mediocre yet at the same time experienced psychological well-being issues. â€Å"Racist segregation is related with tension, outrage dissatisfaction, hatred, somatization, over the top enthusiastic side effects, relational hypersentivity, dread, suspicion, weakness sadness, and wretchedness among African Americans†(Hall, 2010. Pg 91). Segregation made African Americans need cooperations among different races in schools. â€Å"Afrocentrism upholds African goals at the focal point of ones way to deal with issue solving†(Hall, 2010. Pg 92). This was a significant factor in the multicultural examination. Social equality African Americans battled for a considerable length of time for opportunity structure bondage. Subsequent to being free battled for equity and a voice. Developments started to shape for the benefit of African Americans kept on battling intellectually, simply because they felt their voice was not heard. In 1875 the Civil Rights Act was passed giving them the option to approach treatment in open settings. Followed by the 1896 choice to authorize racial isolation of schools. In spite of the fact that the schools were isolated African Americans guardians and kids dreaded for their lives. They were anxious about the possibility that that European Americans would hurt their kids all since they were going to schools that where made for whites. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made the open door for African Americans to have constitutionals rights without separation or isolation. The Civil Rights Act was passed however Racism despite everything exist, making African Americans feel sad. African Americans at that point started to searchâ for another result which lead to Affirmative Action. The Black Muslims made chances and had an objective of decent variety. Objectives of Black Muslims were to supplant the negative impacts of subjugation with positive qualities and conduct and to create autonomy from the predominant culture,†(Hall, 2010. Pg90). Trust in understanding African American personality and multicultural connection was offered by mental hypothesis and examination in spite of political and legitimate difficulties. Albeit African Americans were confronted with afflictions, they figured out how to beat them. Africans battled intellectually just as confronting misery and conduct issues all in light of the fact that the manner in which they were dealt with. African Americans attempted to shape bonds among different societies, allowing them the chance to become various people. Learning different societies was basic for African Americans, as for example adjusting to the American culture in the wake of being slaved. African Americans have gotten the past behind them and keep on getting progressively assorted also showing different societies there qualities and customs. Barnes, J. (2004). Inconsistent Education. U.S. News World Report, 136(10), 66. Lobby, G. C. N. (2010). Multicultural Psychology (second ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ministry of Manpower, Singapore
Brief Description of Ministry of Manpower EE4041 E-learning week task by LIU TIANCHI Group Y15 As one of the Tripartite Partners in Singapore, Ministry of Manpower (MOM) assumes the administration job and tries to build up an incredible work environment along with the other two accomplices, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) which speak to the representatives and bosses separately.The crucial MOM is to accomplish a universally serious workforce and extraordinary work environment, for a firm society and a safe financial future for all Singaporeans. To separate it into two sections: MOM means to enable Singaporeans so they can understand their latent capacity; MOM likewise manages and controls the work environment in order to accomplish a strong society. So as to accomplish the mission, MOM is organized with divisions and legal sheets, the two of which have certain particular responsibility.For model, Labor Relations and Wor kplaces Division (LRWD) assumes a pivotal job in contest settlement. More often than not, the gatherings, associations and organizations, can settle debates between themselves, as they probably am aware the issues well and would be in a decent situation to discover arrangements. In the event that this comes up short, at that point pacification by LRWD would kick in line with either party. LRWD or MOM get and settle a normal of around 300 debates from the unionized division for pacification consistently. This is a significant column in keeping up mechanical dependability in Singapore.One case of the legal board is Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board, which directs the CPF notable as a mandatory and extensive government disability reserve funds plan. Other than the guideline and organization duties, MOM additionally offers types of assistance. For instance The Work Pass Division encourages the work of remote nationals in Singapore with an advantageous application process. The outside r epresentatives can discover all data that they have to know before coming to work in Singapore from MOM website.Most of the application forms likewise happen on the web, which is exceptionally proficient. Mother has won numerous honors on account of its incredible commitment to the solid tripartite relationship, which is the jealousy of numerous nations. It’s worth referencing that MOM once won United Nations Public Service Awards, which is the most renowned universal acknowledgment of greatness out in the open help. As can be seen, MOM has its one of a kind and significant job in keeping up the solid and endeavoring work environment in Singapore.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Dark Friday
Dark Friday “Well call it Christmas when the adverts begin.†â€"Damien Rice This Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year: Black Friday. Retailers prepare months in advance for this dark dayâ€"preparation that’s meant to stimulate your insatiable desire to consume: Doorbuster sales. New products. Gigantic newspaper ads. TV, radio, print, billboards. Sale, sale, sale! Early bird specials. One day only! Get the best deal. Act now! While supplies last. The Minimalists would, however, like to shed some light on this darkest of Fridays. It’s important to understand that consumption is an unquenchable thirst. Retailers, advertisers, and manufacturers know this too well; thus, they invented a day designed to take advantage of your insatiable desire to consume. The pernicious aspects of Black Friday are not few, and the pandemonium of this day is a synecdoche for our consumer culture: On this day, people consume gluttonously with no regard for personal harm. On this day, greed becomes ravenous. On this day, people exist without real meaning, buying gifts to fill a void we can’t fill with material possessions. Sadly, people participate in the rapaciousness of Black Friday in the name of a holiday, as if buying gifts was an ideal way to celebrate Christmas. Thankfully, though, you have other options. Instead of embracing Black Friday, you can refuse to buy material items for one day; instead, you can demonstrate your love, caring, and affection through daily actionsâ€"every day, not just holidays. If you want to give gifts, why not gift an experience: a nice meal, tickets to a concert, a sunset on the beach? The best, most loving gift you can give someone is your time and attention. Will you join us? Will you opt out of Black Friday? If not, why not? Feel free to regift this essay.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Birth Mark By Nathaniel Hawthorne - 821 Words
The Birth-Mark was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the story follows of a scientist who is named Aylmer, and the scientist retires in the field of science for the search of marriage and love. When Aylmer finds a suitable wife that he would fancy for himself, the scientist notices that his wife had a birthmark on her face that represented a tiny hand print. This birthmark actually makes Aylmer becomes obsessive about the mark itself to the point of confronting Aylmer’s wife. Aylmer eventually convinces the woman about experimentation towards her face and the experiment works but the wife had succumbed towards a fatal side effect which was death. Ending the story with a dreadful lesson, â€Å"If you love your own, then you will accept their facial flaws and birthmarks with no pain or regret for they are everything to you even in death†The story itself was actually a realistic setting in the time that the main protagonist was in. Since the story could not pick a time, it actually gave the reader a form of date. It was a time from last century seeing how the scientist was now learning facial cream and dermatology against the form of birthmark. It struck me not only accord but actually offended that the husband was that much concern over a tiny speck which was the wife’s birthmark. The constant theme that was placed underlining of the protagonist was the foolishness of striving for perfection. An example is shown by the protagonist’s desire to get rid of the wife’s birthmark inShow MoreRelatedThe Birth Mark By Nathaniel Hawthorne1730 Words  | 7 PagesHawthorne illustrates an awe-inspiring example of how human imperfection is natural and the way we are created is how we shall remain, perfectly imperfect. It is difficult not to consider the world today and how much plastic surgeons profit and customers pay, just to reflect an ideal image. This story is published in the eighteenth century, which depicts a mad scientist (Aylmer ) who claims to have the ability to create perfection in the imperfect, Godly creation of his wife (Georgiana). The marriageRead MoreAnalysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birth Mark 1784 Words  | 8 Pages Nathaniel Hawthorne was seen as â€Å"a major figure in the American romantic movement†(Constantakis 1). Additionally, â€Å"Hawthorne created allegories of the dark, irredeemable human condition, a point of view most likely traceable to the author’s New England Puritan roots†(Constantakis 2). Concerning Hawthorne’s writing style, he often focused on â€Å"concrete particulars his tales elevate into symbols,†and his works â€Å"speak from and to the unconscious that people dream their way into every nightRead MoreNature in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Birth-Mark and Wilfred Owens Disabled1428 Words  | 6 PagesFreedom is an entity that people desire to have in life. Nathaniel Hawthorne in The Birth-Mark and Wilfred Owens in Di sabled both have similar plots about two peoples concern for nature. Nathaniel Hawthorne The Birth-Mark focuses on the importance of nature. In the story â€Å"The Birth-Mark,†nature is said to be the most compelling thing man has made. The main character Aylmer, a scientist, is obsessed with perfection and nature. Aylmer is trying to live a life of fantasy because of his desire for perfectionRead MoreThe Puritan Effect1703 Words  | 7 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne is respected as â€Å"one of the great masters of American Fiction†(â€Å"Hawthorne, Nathaniel†363). He is an accomplished author who wrote novels as well as children’s literature. However, Hawthorne’s strength is American short story; his â€Å"haunting†tales are undeniably responsible for establishing this genre as a â€Å"significant art form†(â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne†Columbia 1). He is known for his â€Å"penetrating explorations†of the conflicts within one’s conscience and the consequences thatRead MoreHawthornes Quest for Perfection761 Words  | 4 Pagesand not what is on the outside. While critics argue that Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Birth Mark,†â€Å"Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment,†and â€Å"Rappaccinni’s Daughter†stand as an overt commentary on nature vs. science, Hawthorne actually uses these works to explore personal familial connections. First of all, these three short stores deal with nature and science, but when one delves deeper into the stories, it becomes apparent that Hawthorne actually explores relationships among family members. These three works ofRead MoreBirthday Mark by Nathaniel Hawthorne1146 Words  | 5 Pageschallenged scientists of the nineteenth century. Nathaniel Hawthorne writes of some challenges that man could run into during the exploration and application of new technology in The Birthmark. These challenges are not entirely physical but they are more so about an internal struggle within Victorian mindsets. In The Birthmark there are only three characters: Aylmer, a scientist, Georgiana, Aylmer’s wife, and Aminadab, Aylmer’s lab assistant. Hawthorne isolates the characters in their caste to presentRead More Romanticism in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown, The Birthmark, and Rappaccinis Daughter1065 Words  | 5 PagesRomanticism in Young Goodman Brown, The Birth-Mark, a nd Rappaccinis Daughter    Nathaniel Hawthorne gives his own definition of romanticism in the preface to The House of Seven Gables. According to Hawthorne, the writer of a romance may claim a certain latitude and may deepen and enrich the shadows of the picture, as long as he does not swerve aside from the truth of the human heart. The writer of a romance will be mingle the Marvelous as long as he does it to a slightRead MoreThe Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne1175 Words  | 5 Pages Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist and short story writer who was born in Salem, Massachusetts July fourth 1804. When Hawthorne was a young man he served as the editor of the American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. That job introduced him into the world of writing and at that point he decided what he wanted to do until the day he died. â€Å"I do not want to be a doctor and live by men’s diseases, nor a minister to live by their sins, nor a lawyer and live by their quarrelsRead More Analysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Salem Witch 1328 Words  | 6 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne was an American writer known for his part in the transcendentalist literary movement. Born July 4, 1804, in Salem, Massachusetts, to Nathaniel Hathorne Sr and Elizabeth Manning, he later chose to alter his last name in an attempt to distinguish himself from the history his family held in the Salem witch trials. His father died at a very young age, so Nathaniel was raised solely by his mother. In a quote kept from his adolescent years, Hawthorne states, â€Å"I do not want to be a doctorRead More Alienation and Moral Dilemma as Portrayed by Nathaniel Hawthorne1869 Words  | 8 PagesAlienation and Moral Dilemma as Portrayed by Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorn was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804 during Puritan times. He created many stories that reflect his life experiences growing up as a Puritan. He writes stories that end with a moral that was learned through the struggles of the characters. These characters are almost always faced with a dilemma where they must choose what is right versus what is wrong. Another common theme in his writing is alienation
Monday, May 11, 2020
The New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration - 2194 Words
Introduction Taking a look at what’s going on in the world today, I can’t help but think about our future. About the children that we are raising in the middle of this chaotic place we call earth. We would think that after all the suffering and hatred throughout history by now, we would have found a peaceful way to express our difference and celebrate them as well; however, that is not the case. In many cases we think that what is done today will not affect necessarily affect the future, however, there is concrete evidence that contradicts this thinking. One of the primary evidences of this fact is the book written by author Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. This book speaks on how old habits die-hard and how difficult it is to banish deep-rooted social norms. She states, â€Å"The United States imprisons a larger percentage of its black population than South Africa did at the height of apartheid. In Washington, D.C., our nation’s capital, it is estimated that three out of four young black men (and nearly all those in the poorest neighborhoods) can expect to serve time in prison†(2012, p. 16). This may be an eye-opening statement for some to read, however, it is a reality we have lived with since the start of time, just in different a context. With that being said, have we ever sat down to think how this affects our small children and adolescents of society, no matter what race? No matter how careful, or not,Show MoreRelatedThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1370 Words  | 6 Pagesunrecognizable ways that fit into the fabric of the American society to render it nearly invisible to the majority of Americans. Michelle Alexander, in her book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness shatters this dominantly held belief. The New Jim Crow makes a reader profoundly question whether the high rates of incarceration in the United States is an attempt to maintain blacks as an underclass. Michelle Alexander makes the assertion that â€Å"[w]e have not ended racial caste in America;Read MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1361 Words  | 6 PagesBook Review Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness The premise of the ‘The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness’ by Michelle Alexander, is to refute claims that racism is dead and argue that the War on Drugs and the federal drug policy unfairly targets communities of color, keeping a large majority of black men of varying ages in a cycle of poverty and behind bars. The author proves that racism thrives by highlighting theRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1477 Words  | 6 PagesThe New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness, by Michelle Alexander. The New Press, 2010. 290 pages. Reviewed by Ashlei G Cameron. Michelle alexander is a highly acclaimed civil rights lawyer, advocate and legal scholar. As an associate professor of law at Standford law school, she directed the Civil Rights Clinic and pursued a research agenda focused on the intersection of race and criminal justice. In 2005. Alexander won a Soros Justice Fellowship that supported the writingRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1199 Words  | 5 Pagesthose who did read her book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In The Age of Colorblindness. Michelle Alexander stated that The most despised in America is not gays, transgenders, nor even illegal immigrants - it is criminals. That was an important quote since the stereotypical criminal in our racially divided America in most cases are those of color also known as blacks. This is why the criminal justice system in the United States promotes the mass incarceration of blacks that can be seen throughRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1081 Words  | 5 Page s Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness outlines how the criminal justice system has systematically designed new methods of discriminating against African Americans. The book advocates for racial justice, specifically, for African Americans and contends they [African Americans] were targeted and subsequently incarcerated, by white voters and public officials, through the War on Drugs campaign. President Reagan and his Administration exploited racialRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1347 Words  | 6 PagesHunter Silver Dr. Kendall Smith English 103-4120 10 November 2015 High Incarceration Rates Due to Racism Racism effects the the high incarceration rates according to Michelle Alexander, the author of â€Å"The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. This scholar writes about how the civil rights movement has been taken back by the mass incarceration of black Americans in the war on drugs. Alexander also explains how the severe consequences that these black men carry on afterRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration Essay1401 Words  | 6 Pages Michelle Alexander’s book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, examines mass incarceration in the United States, why the criminal justice system works the way it does towards minorities, the detriments associated with mass incarceration as it relates to offenders, and much more. In the introduction of her book, Alexander immediately paints the harsh reality of mass incarceration with the story of Jarvious Cotton who is denied the right to vote among other rights becauseRead MoreThe New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration Essay1797 Words  | 8 PagesJim Crow laws are regarded as part of the racial caste system that operated in the Southern and Border States in the years between 1877 and the mid-1960s. Under the series of the anti-black laws, African Americans were treated as inferior and second class citizens. The laws have been argued to have represented the legitimization of the anti-black racism in the US. The book The New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness is written by Michelle Alexander and originally published byRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration Essay1096 Words  | 5 PagesAlexander, Michelle. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. New York: The New Press, 2010. Study Questions for â€Å"The New Jim Crow†: 1) What is the relationship between the War on Drugs and the spread of crack cocaine through inner city neighborhoods in the 1980s? President Ronald Reagan officially announced the current drug war in 1982, before crack became an issue in the media or a crisis in poor black neighborhoods. A few years after the drug war was declared, crackRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1239 Words  | 5 PagesIn 2013, Michelle Alexander published her book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, hoping it served as a call to action. Immediately this book received a huge amount of attention because of the controversial topics presented. This book opened a lot of people’s eyes to the term colorblindness, a sociological perspective referring to the disregard of racial characteristics. There is no racial data or profiling, no classifications, and no categorizations or distinctions
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Aba Putangina Nyo Free Essays
BUSINESS CASE Presented to the Accountancy Department De La Salle University In partial fulfillment Of the course requirements In ACTPACO (K32) Duhaylungsod, Paul Angelo, P. March 5, 2013 DECISION MAKING ACROSS THE ORGANIZATION Richard Powers and Jane Keckley, two professionals in the finance area, have worked for Eberhart Leasing for a number of years. Eberhart Leasing is a company that leases high-tech medical equipment to hospitals. We will write a custom essay sample on Aba Putangina Nyo or any similar topic only for you Order Now Richard and Jane have decided that, with their financial expertise, they might start their own company to provide consulting services to individuals interested in leasing equipment. One form of organization they are considering is a partnership. If they start a partnership, each individual plans to contribute P2 million in cash. In addition, Richard has a used IBM computer that originally cost P148,000, which he intends to invest in the partnership. The computer has a present market value of P60,000. Although both Richard and Jane are financial wizards, they do not know a great deal about how a partnership operates. As a result, they have come to you for advice. 1. What are the major disadvantages of starting a partnership? Partnership can easily dissolve automatically when one of its partners no longer wishes to participate in the business, or is unable to. This may happen in the event of death, bankruptcy, retirement or resignation. A divorce could also force a partner to attempt to cash out his interest, since decisions are shared, disagreements can occur. A partnership is for the long term, and expectations and situations can change, which can lead to dramatic and traumatic split ups. Business partners are jointly and individually liable for the actions of the other partners and you have to consult your partner and negotiate more as you cannot make decisions by yourself therefore need to be more flexible and a major disadvantage of a partnership is unlimited liability. General partners are liable without limit for all debts contracted and errors made by the partnership. The accounts of partnership concerns are not published so public is unaware of the exact position of the business. There is a suspicion in public mind that these concerns earn huge profits at the cost of consumers. There is no legal binding for the publication of accounts. So partnership concerns lack public confidence. No partner can transfer his share to a third party without the consent of the other partners. If a partner wants his share back it will not be possible without the approval of other partners or without dissolution of the firm. In case of a company, any shareholder can transfer his shares without affecting the working of the business. In partnership, a partner is permanently wedded to it and lastly there is a limitation in raising additional resources for expansion purposes. The business resources are limited to the personal funds of the partners. Borrowing capacity of the partners is also limited. The number of partners to be added to a business is also limited. A banking company cannot have more than ten partners and in other businesses the number of partners cannot exceed twenty. So there is a limit beyond which partners cannot be added. 2. What type of document is needed for a partnership, and what should this document contain? Article of co partnership is a written agreement prior to the formation of a business, outlining the terms of the partnership and it must contain the firm’s name, how the firm will begin and end, nature of the business operations, monetary agreements like partners investments, determination of partner salaries and distribution of profits and losses. The document must also contain decision making guidelines and authority of partners and lastly expected time contribution of partners. 3. Both Richard and Jane plan to work full-time in the new partnership. They believe that net income or net loss should be shared equally. However, they are wondering how they can provide compensation to Richard Powers for his additional investment of the computer. What would you tell them? They should change the profit and loss ratio in favor or Richard Powers in order for them to compensate his additional investment or they can also give him a bonus as well because if they distribute the net loss or net income equally it would be unfair for him because he invested more than the other partner. Another advice I would tell them is Richard can contribute less cash and compensate with the investment of his computer therefore, the basis of the distribution of income is their beginning capital or initial investment. 4. Richard is not sure how the computer equipment should be reported on his tax return. What would you tell him? The report on his tax return regarding the computer equipment will be based or I related on his income or you can say that depending on their net income or loss dividing by the partners’ profit 5. As indicated above, Richard and Jane have worked together for a number of years. Richard’s skills complement Jane’s and vice versa. If one of them dies, it will be very difficult for the other to maintain the business, not to mention the difficulty of paying the deceased partner’s estate for his or her partnership interest. What would you advise them to do? They should know the risk of entering a partnership and all of its disadvantages stated earlier but because accidents cannot be prevented they should have alternatives or options unless one of them dies early during the partnership. One option is that they could assign their respective heirs to take over the business for them or if they don’t have a child they must assign their personal choice of who they want to replace them but of course the heirs or assignees must have knowledge about what they might acquire in their shoulders like the liabilities of the previous owner, the responsibilities on handling a business. In paying the deceased partner’s estate they could build a trust fund through their partnership that would sustain the payables if ever one of them dies so that the remaining partner would not have a difficult time in paying those interest. How to cite Aba Putangina Nyo, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling Review
'The Jungle Book' by Rudyard Kipling Review The Jungle Book is one of the works for which Rudyard Kipling is best remembered. The Jungle Book falls in line with works like Flatland and Alice in Wonderland (which offer satire and political commentary underneath the genre title of childrens literature). Likewise, the stories in The Jungle Book are written to be enjoyed by adults as well as children- with a depth of meaning and symbolism that delves far beyond the surface. Relationships and events related to The Jungle Book are important to any human being, including adult men and women, with or without families. While the tales can be read, or children may listen to them from an older reader, these stories need to be re-read later, in high school, and again in later adult life. They are enjoyable in every subsequent reading and the longer one lives, the broader is the frame of reference one has against which to draw the stories into perspective.The Kipling stories offer a marked perspective of a reminder of human origins and history as well as animal. As the Native American and other Indigenous Peoples often state: All are related under one sky. A reading of ​The Jungle Book at age 90 will reach several more levels of meaning than a childhood reading and both are just as brilliant an experience. The stories can be shared inter-generationally, with interpretations shared by all. The book is a group of stories that are actually quite good for â⠂¬Å"Grandparents in the School†types of family literacy programs of the current day. Importance of the Tales Kipling is still much quoted, via Gunga Din and his famous poem â€Å"IF,†but The Jungle Book is also important. They are important because they address the prime relationships in one’s life- family, coworkers, bosses- and everyone’s relationship with Nature. For instance, if a boy is raised by wolves, then wolves are his family until the last one dies. The themes of The Jungle Book revolve around noble qualities such as loyalty, honor, courage, tradition, integrity, and persistence. These are good to discuss and ponder in any century, making the stories timeless.My favorite Jungle Book story is of a young mahout and his elephant and the legend of the elephant dance in the middle of the forest. This is Toomai of the Elephants. From wooly mammoths and mastodons to our zoological parks, to the Elephants Sanctuary in the American South to Disney’s Dumbo, and Seuss’s Horton, elephants are magical creatures. They know friendship and heartache and can cry. Kipling may have been the first to show that they can also dance. The young mahout, Toomai, believes the tale of the infrequent event of Elephant Dance, even when the seasoned elephant trainers try to dissuade him. He is rewarded for his belief by being taken to that very dance by his own elephant, spending time in another world that few can enter. Faith makes entrance possible, so Kipling tells us, and there is the possibility that childlike faith can be translated to any number of human events. â€Å"Tiger-Tiger†After Mowgli left his Wolf Pack, he visited a Human village and was adopted by Messua and her husband, who both believed him their own son, previously stolen by a tiger. They teach him Human customs and language and help him adjust to a new life. However, the wolf-boy Mowgli hears from Grey Brother (a wolf) that trouble is afoot against him. Mowgli does not succeed in the Human village but makes enemies of a hunter, a priest, and others, because he denounces their unrealistic comments about the jungle and its animals. For this, he is reduced to the status of the cowherd. This story suggests that perhaps the animals are more just than Humans.The tiger Sheer Khan enters the village, while Mowgli takes half his cattle to one side of a ravine, and his wolf brothers take the rest to on the other side. Mowgli lures the tiger into the middle of the ravine and the cattle trample him to death. The envious hunter broadcasts that the boy is a wizard or demon and Mowgli is exiled to wander the c ountryside. This certainly shows the dark side of human beings, again suggesting that animals are nobler creatures.​ Other Favorite Tales Other favorites from this collection are â€Å"The White Seal†, the tale of a Bering Sea’s seal pup that saves 1000s of his kindred from the fur trade, and â€Å"Her Majesty’s Servants†, a story of the conversations heard by a man among the camp animals of the Queen’s military. The entire collection observes mankind from a stance of needing improvement that is possible if they listen to animal wisdom.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Essay on Mobile Phone and Ryan a. Irving
Essay on Mobile Phone and Ryan a. Irving Essay on Mobile Phone and Ryan a. Irving My name is Ryan A. Irving and I am a Junior, Criminal Justice major from Avondale, Arizona. I currently attend Jackson in Jackson, Mississippi. I know I am very far from away from home but I am glad that I attend my university. It has been a learning experience for me and I have even more appreciation for all of my family. There are many times that I miss my family and get a little homesick but I know that I am here at school for a reason and the reason is to receive an education. Luckily we have a lot of technology that I can use to get into contact with them. Without all this technology that is available to me I do not know how I would be able to attend school so far away from home. I have been attending Jackson State for the past three years and I spend no more than three to four months at home every year and I know how difficult it is to miss your family and want to be with them. Even though I am so far away from them I always find a way to keep in contact with them. Facebo ok, Instagram, Twitter and FaceTime are all ways that I keep in contact and updated with all of the stuff my family is doing. I am the first child to go away to college so it was hard for my mom to deal with, luckily nowadays we have so much new technology that we will never miss anything that goes on while we are away from each other. I have two sisters, one brother and a little cousin that I love dearly, I just want to make sure that I am proud of them and I am supporting them 100 percent even though I am so far away from them right now. One of the best forms of technology that we use today is our cell phone. Without our cell phones we cannot just pick up the phone wherever we are and call a family member that we have not spoken to in a while. I know my freshman year I called my mom like five to six times everyday but throughout the years the number of phones calls a day went down tremendously. Also, with a cell phone you can take pictures and share them with all your family members by uploading them up to social networks such as; Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I have an iPhone so I can FaceTime with my little sister or any of my family members who have an iPhone or an iPad. While you FaceTime you can see the person and have a conversation as if you were sitting right in front of them, it is a lot better than just talking to someone on the phone because you can actually see their face and hear their voices well. Being the oldest of four children I know that my siblings always need someone they can talk to or come to for advice. I know I may not be at home with them but they can call or text message me at anytime and I will make sure that I help them out anyway that I can. They should all be able to depend on me no matter the distance because I am their older sister and I will do anything for them. My youngest sister and I are very much alike and she knows she can call me at anytime and I will be there for her. She knows that if she needs me and I am not answering my phone, she can find me on my Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Sometimes I can go a couple of days without talking to my dad, who is very busy, so he will send me a nice
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Major Battles of World War 2
Major Battles of World War 2 There were numerous battles in World War II. Some of these battles lasted only days while others took months or years. Some of the battles were notable for the material losses such as tanks or aircraft carriers while others were notable for the number of human losses. Although this is not a comprehensive list of all battles of WWII, it is a list of the major battles of World War II. A note about the dates: Somewhat surprisingly, historians dont all agree on the exact dates of battles. For instance, some use the date that a city was surrounded while others prefer the date that major fighting commenced. For this list, I have used the dates that seemed the most agreed upon. 20 Major Battles of World War II Battles Dates Atlantic September 1939 - May 1945 Berlin April 16 - May 2, 1945 Britain July 10 - October 31, 1940 Bulge December 16, 1944 - January 25, 1945 El Alamein (First Battle) July 1-27, 1942 El Alamein (Second Battle) October 23 - November 4, 1942 Guadalcanal Campaign August 7, 1942 - February 9, 1943 Iwo Jima February 19 - March 16, 1945 Kursk July 5 - August 23, 1943 Leningrad (Siege) September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944 Leyte Gulf October 23-26, 1944 Midway June 3-6, 1942 Milne Bay August 25 - September 5, 1942 Normandy (including D-Day) June 6 - August 25, 1944 Okinawa April 1 - June 21, 1945 Operation Barbarossa June 22, 1941 - December 1941 Operation Torch November 8-10, 1942 Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 Philippine Sea June 19-20, 1944 Stalingrad August 21, 1942 - February 2, 1943
Monday, February 17, 2020
No Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
No - Essay Example sis shall in addition provide a discussion on the suggestions of what are to be done in order to improve the profit performance of the industry in the future. The following analyses are the probable reasons for the reduction of the industry’s profit according to the London’s time and tide (2011) newspaper explanation. According to the Excellence Clothing Company journal of 2014, there is a general decrease in base of revenue for the company. The revenue of the industry declined from  £255063 to  £215623 from the years 2013 to 2014. Since profit is a direct related function of revenue, that is profit = revenue – cost (cost of sales). Such a reduction in revenue consequently leads to loss realization or profit decline. There can be quite a number of factors that may lead to such a reduction in revenues. The policies of London have been proved to be ignorant on the clothing industries. The policies have not allowed for any incentive offer to be given to the industry. There are also varieties of stringent restrictive actions imposed by the London policies that have subjected the industry to many operation ceilings (Clutterbuck, & Crainer, 2012). This means that the company cannot operate beyond a certain set level of production even if it has the capacity of doing so. Most of the policies especially those by the London government have imposed huge amount of taxation on the industry in the year 2014. The industry is being taxed hugely in cases where the clothing raw materials to be used are imported. The custom duty to be paid in such cases of raw materials importation have been cutting deep in to the amount of cost expenses that are to be paid by the industry. The company is as well expected to be paying excise duties monthly and submitting their returns for excise duty charges. The above mentioned costs of taxation are of a negative impact to the industries revenues. Since such costs have to be paid by the industry through making withdrawals and deductions
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