Monday, September 30, 2019

Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement

In Martin Luther King‘s speech he speaks with such passion and determination, you can tell in his voice that he means everything he says and his hope reaches out to people and the way he emphases his words captures the audience’s attention. He believed that every person should be equal despite their skin color. In Malcolm X's speech he talks more about himself and he thought it would be best for everyone to keep their religion to themselves. He believed that the black people were trapped by the white people. He thought of white people as the enemy and he mostly spoke negatively about them. He made jokes throughout his speech and to me he didn’t sound at serious as Martin Luther. For example Martin said â€Å"Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. As opposed to Malcolm X, who stated in his speech â€Å"There is nothing in our book, the Koran, which teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That's a good religion. † Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted a more peaceful approach. He hoped that with sit -ins and peace marches to appeal to the ideals of dignity and justice in the white people of the time. To show them the wrong they were doing so that they would want to correct it in themselves out of their own personal honor. Malcolm X on the other hand believed that white people would never give up their power, at least early on in his career as a civil rights leader. He believed they would only give it up if forced to do so, and that meant through militant means. He eventually give this idea up in favor of more peaceful means after finding white Muslims who treated him and other black men as brothers; and black men who treated white people as brothers as well. And with this he began to realize that they could live in peace, and so he switched to a more peaceful style in his protests in the end. Personally, I believe that Martin Luther’s approach to gaining equality among people worked best. When taking a forceful approach, such as Malcolm X’s you take a risk that your enemy will not fear you but that they could possibly fight back and over power you. This could possibly be said for a peaceful approach as well but it’s less likely.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alzheimer’s Disease Amyloid Precursor Protein Gene

Alzheimer’s disease, AD, is a distressing condition that involves the decline in cognition of the mind which results to psychotic disorder, and affective and behavioral disturbances (Bloom 9). It is a progressive central nervous system disorder and the main cause of dementia (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). Alois Alzheimer in 1907 reported the case of a 51-year old Frankfurt woman who died in dementia (Bloom 9). He described the neuropathological condition of the woman with neurofibrillary tangles or NFTs and amyloid plaques or NPs (Bloom10). NPs are extracellular beta-amyloid peptide or A?Spherical deposits closely related to dendrites, reactive astrocytes, dystrophic axons, and activated microglia (Felician and Sandson 19). Thus, for several decades, collaborative efforts of experts from different scientific and medicinal endeavors were devoted for the neurological and pathophysiological characterization of this disease (Bloom 9). As such, the roles of four specified genes, as well as the mechanism of oxidative stress, tau, inflammation, hormonal changes, and inflammation on the AD’s neurodegeneration have been the central theme of scientific studies conducted on this disease (Felician and Sandson 19).As experts continuously gained insights on the mechanisms of neurodegeneration, pharmacological strategies are concurrently devised for the development of appropriate drug treatment and interventions (Felician and Sandson 19). Molecular Mechanism Early and late onset ADs are types of familial AD which are genetically heterogeneous. Familial AD is accounted for 10% of AD cases from 30-60 year old patients and ascribed to three types of genes which included APP, presenilin-1 or PSEN1 and presenilin-2 or PSEN2 (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 1).Nonetheless, the mutations in these genes also cause A? -level increase; A? is generated by proteolytic APP fragment that was also observed in the brains of AD patients (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 2). However, not all AD cases can be attributed to the three identified genes. Genes are then the most important determinant of AD development (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 2). On the other hand, there is a great chance for children with parents having history of familial AD to inherit the genetic traits and develop either early-onset or late-onset AD (Jayadev 375). As well, AD development threat in the offspring is directly related to age; the tendency of AD occurrence among children of parents with historical AD background increases as the children gain progress in their growth and development (Jayadev et. al. 375). The pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease, on cellular level, has been consistently observed. The pyramidal neurons are the type of cortical cells that are fundamentally deteriorated in AD pathogenesis resulting to the spread of NPs and NFTs in cortex areas (Felician and Sandson 20).Both NPs and NFTs are normally found in brain areas in the aging process but their concentrations and densities are pecu liar in the case of AD (Felician and Sandson 20). Originally, NPs are found at the amygdala and concentrated in parietal association and order temporal cortex parts (Felician and Sandson 20). In the maturity of AD, NPs can also be observed in hippocampus, in other structures of mesial temporolimbic brain, and even in cortical and meningeal blood vessels (Felician and Sandson 20).Luckily, the areas for sensorimotor and visual are remained unaffected. Meanwhile, in the early stage of AD, NFTs can be found hippocampus, amygdala, and in entorhinal cortex, the association cortex has abundance of NFTs (Felician and Sandson 20). However, NFTs are not exclusively for the cases of AD, these are also detected in the several cerebral troubles like in dementia pugilistica, postencephalitic parkinsonism, and subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (Felician and Sandson 20). The formation of NPs is attributed to the A ? peptide deposition; A ?peptide types that only differ in C-terminal are common in cerebrovascular and extracellular plaques (Felician and Sandson 19). A ? peptide, made up of 39-43 amino acids, is normally generated from APP or amyloid precursor protein. In addition, the series of hydrophobic C-terminal is crucial in its solubility and amyloid formation rate (Felician and Sandson 19). As such, A ? with 40 amino acids, A ? 40, as well as A? peptide with 42 and 43 amino acids or A? 42 and A ? 43 respectively (Felician and Sandson 19). However, in vitro, the variants of A?42 and A? 43 can easily form insoluble fibrils as compared with the A? 40 variant (Felician and Sandson 19). Furthermore, the incubation of these A? variants can immediately lead to coalescence implying the possible amyloid plaque deposition through these components. In line with this, diffuse plaques have nonfibrillary and A? soluble constituents denoting the senile plaques’ early stage (Felician and Sandson 19). Likewise, diffuse plaques have A? deposits in the absence of neuritic degener ation (Felician and Sandson 19).On the other hand, neurofibrillary tangles, comprised of abnormal bundles of intraneuronal filaments, are made up of tau microtubule-associated protein with high degree of phosphorylation (Felician and Sandson 19). The degree of phosphorylation is largely dependent on the enzymatic activities of kinases that are not yet fully understood (Felician and Sandson 19). Nevertheless, the intraneuronal abnormal filaments arrange themselves in either parallel or helical bundles in perikaryotic cytoplasm that make them in contact with the dentritic processes (Felician and Sandson 19).The amyloid precursor protein, a membrane glycoprotein, is consisted of 28 A? extracellular residues and 12 to 15 putative transmembrane residues (Felician and Sandson 20). It also occurs as 695, 751, and 770-amino acid isoform. While the 695-amino acid isoform occurs mainly in neurons, 770 and 751-amino acid forms are seen on both non-neural and neural cells along with protease in hibitor domains (Felician and Sandson 20). APPs are carried into the cell membrane by secretory vesicles and may undergo proteolytic bond breakage through the action of ?-secretase (Felician and Sandson 20). Consequently, this cleavage generates ? -APP, a soluble ectodomain and the precursor for A? peptide production through cleavage in A? domain. As the generation of soluble APP is, in vitro, ascribed with the activity of protein kinase C, uncleaved APP is inferred to take the proteolytic pathway (Felician and Sandson 20). On the other hand, APP intracerllular recycling and management are done through endocytotic or endosome-lysosome means. The endocytotic route causes proteolytic cleavages by means of ?– and ? -secratases leading to the synthesis of A? (Felician and Sandson 20). Moreover, A? production is enhanced by intracellular calcium concentration which denoted the significance of calcium-rich proteases in A? production (Felician and Sandson 20). In vivo, APP cleavage occurs at N-terminus at the A? -region through the action of ? -secretase and at the C-terminus by means of ? -secretase activity (Mohan 1). Also, APP can take a pathway facilitated by ? -secretase at the A? -peptide domain producing soluble ? -APP (Mohan 1).Ezymes can also possibly attack APP without A? -peptide generation (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 1). Since the putative ? -secretase, under the control of kinase C, regulates the generation of soluble APP, any agents that supports this metabolism may hinder the A? production (Felician and Sandson 21). As well, A? deposition may also be lessened by drugs which inhibit APP cleavage into ? – and ? -secratases (Felician and Sandson 21). Nonetheless, agents that can impede A? coalescence would decrease its neurotoxicity effects (Felician and Sandson 21).After the formation of amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and inflammation dictates the death of neurons (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). In relation to this, microglia and astrocytes ce lls of the brain are heavily affected by inflammatory process (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). In AD patients, astrocytes are enlarged and produce prostaglandin which in turn sends signal to activate the inflammation mediated by arachidonic acid (Stavljenic-Rukavina, 1). On the other hand, microglia generates free radicals which cause neurons’ death (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1).Meanwhile, cell nutrients as well as its regulation components are transported through the microtubules in which structural properties are mainly dependent on tau protein (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). In AD condition, the tau lessens its capability to bind with microtubules and binds with other tau protein resulting to knots of helical filaments called as neurofibrillary tangles (Stavljenic-Rukavina 1). APP Duplication is Sufficient to Cause Early Onset Alzheimer’s Dementia with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Studies showed that A? encoding through APP gene expression leads to the development of Alzheimer-type demen tia (Sleegers 2977). APP genetic expression results to elevated levels of A? 42, a 42-amino acid product of the proteolytic process (Sleegers et. al. 2977). Aside from the cleavage of APP into alpha, beta, and gamma secretases, high APP genetic expression results to elevated levels of A? 42 and A? deposition (Sleegers et. al. 2977). Meanwhile, it has been long known that APP level triplication in Down’s syndrome patients results to the development of Alzheimer type dementia at early stage; the APP excessive expression leads to neurodegeneration and A? deposition (Sleegers et. al.2977). In relation to this, it was reported that families with cerebral amyloid angiopathy and early onset Alzheimer type dementia had APP genomic duplications which implied that APP over-expression, without full trisomy 21, has triggered the Alzheimer-type dementia (Sleegers et. al. 2977). In addition, Alzheimer-type dementia patients have elevated APP mRNA levels in their brains (Sleegers et. al. 2977). Further, the variation on the transcription of APP gene due to genetic factors was believed as the underpinning factor in the pathogenesis of the disease (Sleegers 2978). In fact, three APP mutations were observed on Alzheimer-type early-onset dementia patients. These mutations, as seen in vitro by means of trisomy 21, caused a two-fold elevation of in APP transcriptions (Sleegers et. al. 2978). With the aforementioned evidences on APP elevation through APP genomic mutations or duplications which resulted to the development of early onset AD, it could logically infer that A? has a crucial role in its aetiology (Sleegers 2978). Hence, for the evaluation of APP locus duplication on Alzheimer-type dementia cases, Sleegers et. al. conducted a study on Dutch population with early onset Alzheimer-type dementia patients. Material and Methods In the approval of the University of Antwerp medical ethical committee, the respondents of this research were recruited form an epidemiological study on early onset AD in several provinces of The Netherlands and in Rotterdam (Sleegers et. al. 2978).Patients with early-onset dementia diagnosis were enlisted based on the recommendation of medical experts and healthcare providers. As such, the assessment of the patients’ conditions was done in accordance with the standards of the Stroke-Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association, and the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders (Sleegers et. al. 2978). Medical records of the patients and their respective relative with similar trait inheritance were made available for an in-depth examination.Meanwhile, for the assessment of genetic inheritance, 111 patients with ages 33 to 65 years old of which had 75 respondents with familial background of either late or early-onset of dementia and 10 of which have autosomal dominant inheritance history for several generations of their respective clans were studied (Sleegers et . al. 2978). The genomic DNA or gDNA was derived from lymphocytes and alleles of APP were measured by means of real-time polymerase chain reaction, PCR (Sleegers et. al. 2978).Also, the PrimerExpress software was utilized for the design of ? 2-microglubulin or hB2M, exon 5, 11, and 18, ubiquitin C or hUBC, ATP5J, APP, and GABPA (Sleegers et. al. 2978). As the APP alleles were normalized for hB2M and hUBC, 20 nanograms of genomic DNA were combined with the PCR and 400 nanomoles of the respective primers (Sleegers et. al. 2978). Finally, the duplication of the samples was done by means of dosage quotients or DQs calculation through six normal individuals and dementia patients.Patients with trisonomy 21 were also included as controls (Sleegers et. al. 2978). Fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH, was utilized to determine APP genomic duplication (Sleegers et. al. 2978). FISH was performed on both interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes while the Epstein-Barr virus-transformed pa tients’ lymphoblasts were taken from the metaphase period by means of 0. 1 microgram/milliliter colcemid treatment and incubated, at 37 °C for 25 minutes, in hypotonic solution of 1 molar sodium hydroxide, 30 millimolar glycerol, 0.8 millimolar magnesium chloride, 2 millimolar HEPES, and 1 millimolar calcium chloride (Sleegers et. al. 2978). This suspension then was used for 106 cells per milliliter as the chromosomes’ mechanical stretching was done through cyto-centrifugation. On the other hand, the Multiplex Amplicon Quantification, MAQ, was applied in the detection of APP locus duplication. MAQ was comprised of multiplex PCR amplification of the reference amplicons and targets which were tainted with fluorescent substance (Sleegers et. al. 2978).After MAQ, DNA fragment analysis, and comparison target amplicon DQ between control individuals and the patients were done (Sleegers et. al. 2979). Results and Discussion Real-time PCR APP measurements of 10 probands showe d heterozygous duplication (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Based on the Dutch population sample, APP duplication along with segregation pattern and neuropathology tantamount to autosomal dominant inheritance and AD with excessive CAA were identified with APP duplication in a family (Sleegers et. al. 2982).Specifically, the genomic APP locus duplication were observed in five of the 65 family cases with early onset AD autosomal dominance while APP duplication was detected in a single out of ten family cases early-onset AD autosomal dominance (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Even though these numbers are small, the data generated from this study illuminated the significance of genomic APP locus duplication assessment when simple mutations were excluded in AD known genes (Sleegers et. al. 2982). In the 65 patients with familial AD history, a single genomic duplication was identified (Sleegers et. al. 2982).In addition, the genomic duplications among the Dutch samples have 1. 8% overall frequency and 2 . 7% frequency in AD patients and family (Sleegers et. al. 2982). In contrast, duplication was failed to be detected on 36 patients with irregular early-onset AD which denoted that the duplication of de novo genomic APP is a weak cause of early-onset Alzheimer-type dementia (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Moreover, the duplication observed among the Dutch family samples has only APP which proved that genomic APP duplication, regardless of adjacent genes, has the capacity for AD and CAA mixed phenotype (Sleegers 2982). As well, duplication size differences signified the non-specific recombination substrate from the genomic attributes of APP locus; APP rather is in increased recombination region as imparted by other factors such as low transcription repeats (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Nevertheless, the mutation that affects APP expression among 4. 5% of the Dutch participants that either genomic APP duplication or APP mutation promoter carrier, are the frequent cause of Alzheimer-type de mentia (Sleegers et. al. 2982). Polymorphism in the Promoter of the Human APP GeneThe cleavage of APP produces A? with associated neurotoxicity; hence, genetic studies postulated that abnormal A? deposition neuropathologic AD conditions (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793). The abnormal deposition of A? in AD patients has been ascribed to APP gene missence mutations and the proteolytic APP cleavage producing A? 42 which in turn triggers the development of early-onset AD (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793). The most solid proof for this notion is the case on trisomy 21 wherein the duplication of APP gene results to increased A?peptide level and aggregation of such in the amyloid plaques of the brain (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793). While the presenilin enyzymes enhance fibrillogenic APP conversion, the APOE or alipolipoprotein-E elevates A? coalescence and deposition (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793). Since A? production is associated with APP con centration and on other factors in both A? and APP syntheses, it was hypothesized that the expression of APP gene is a determinant of AD development (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1793).Recently, a study reported the weak relation between AD inheritance and microsatellite sequence in the APP first intron and a tetranucleotide non-association with AD (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). Hence, to further scrutinize this issue, Athan et. al. anchored their study on APP promoter variant screening in tri-ethnic populations which included white, Caribbean Hispanic, and African-American as they intended to determine APP promoter identities. MethodologyThe respondents in this study were Manhattan residents of Washington Heights with ages of more than 65 years (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). Personal interview and medical background check, neuropsychological, physical and neurological examinations were done on the participants. In addition, individuals with quest ionable dementia, Parkinson disease, and other types of dementia were excluded in the study. Consequently, a total of 1,077 participants was successfully enlisted, whereas, 16% of them has family history of stroke (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).For genotyping, DNA from 1,013 respondents was taken as the panel of neuropsychologists and physicians established the criteria for the identification of AD patients along with the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). The oligonucleotide primers used for APP promoter PCR amplification came from GenBank (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). From genomic DNAs and by means of Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase, the fragments were amplified while the product sequence was determined through dye terminators (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).Meanwhile, 15 microliter of the PCR products was introduced into WAVE fragment DNA analyzer (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). The haplotyp es PCR products were individually cloned through pGL3 vector in between SacI and Bg III sites (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). On the other hand, U-87 MG glioma cells were cultured with the solution of Earle’s balanced salt and 2 millimolar L-glutamine with 10% fecal calf serum in EMEM medium (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).At 70% confluence, the cells were transferred by means of FuGene 6 reagent and pGL3 vectors were added to transfected DNA to maintain a constant concentration of about 1 microgram per plate of 35 squared millimeter (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). While the isotonic solution of phosphate-buffered sodium chloride was used to wash the U-87 cells, the 250 microliter Reporter Lysis Buffer was applied for cell lysis (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).After this, the centrifugation of the cell extract was done at 10,000 g for five minutes. From the supernatant, 20-microliter aliquot was taken and combined with 100 mic roliter Luciferase Assay Buffer for luciferase activity measurement (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). Then, with 10-20 microliters of the lysate ? -galactosidase assays were performed. This ? -galactosidase measurement was utilized for the normalization of the luciferase data (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794).Each allele was counted and by sample proportion calculation, the frequencies were computed (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). For the ethic group comparison of allele frequency, chi square analysis was applied while logistic regression was utilized for APP promoter and AD polymorphisms odd-ratio calculation (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). As well, for each ethnic group, logistic regression was employed as the data were classified with respect to the APOE allele’s occurrence or non-occurrence as education and age discrepancies were adjusted.Finally, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was analyzed through chi square analysis while the e thnic comparison of APP promoter and AD polymorphisms odd-ratio calculation as their education, age, and sex were adjusted (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1794). Results and Discussion Two types of APP promoter polymorphisms were detected and identified, with respect to the starting site of the transcription, as G>C at +37 and G>C at -9 variants (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797).In connection to this, +37C allele was typically observed among 18% African-American respondents while European and Caribbean-Hispanic have 3% and 10% respectively (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797). Although +37C allele was commonly observed among AD patients, the adjustment of their socio-demographic attributes with respect to this allele produced non-significant observations (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797). Also, -9C allele was hardly detected for disease association.On the other hand, even though the adjustment with respect to socio-demographic traits was made, still a strong link was found between APOE allele and AD (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797). Moreover, the evaluation of both +37C and -9C allele variants in U-87 glioma cells through promoter-reporter assays has resulted to non-significant promoter activity (Athan, Lee, Arriaga, Mayeux, and Tyco1797). The early onset, less than 60 years old, of AD has been ascribed to APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2 while the late stage, greater than 65 years old, AD development has not yet fully explained by the genetic model (Waring and Rosenberg 329).The development of AD in late age stage was associated with APOE and to other reported genetic variants and alleles, however, they still insufficient to plausibly explain the mechanism involved in the AD occurrence (Waring and Rosenberg 329). Summary Alzheimer ’s disease is a progressive degeneration of the capacity of the mind for cognition thus affecting the psychological and affective attributes of the inflicted individual.Based on genome-wide stu dy, children of parents with familial Alzheimer’s disease are more prone to inherit and develop this condition either as they take progress in their growth and development or at the senescence stage of their lives (Jayadev et. al. 375). The primary pointed culprit for this cognitive deterioration is the beta-amyloid peptide which is a part of amyloid precursor protein. APP passes through the fatty membrane of the cells and delineated in the different areas of the brain, even though, the normal function has not yet been fully known.As APP is attacked by enzymes, fragments are generated including A? -peptide with associated neurotoxicity. Sleegers et. al. in 2006 found the coincidence of cerebral amyloid angiopathy with Alzheimer’s disease in a Dutch multigenerational family. This genomic duplication was attributed solely to APP gene expression that was also observed in 65 Dutch families with early-onset of AD cases. However, APP locus duplication was not observed in 36 AD patients that signified the case of de novo mutation. On the other hand, Athan et. 2002 reported the two types of APP promoter polymorphism which involved +37C and –9C alleles. Moreover, they found a strong link between AD inheritance and the apolipoprotein-E role. In this connection, the genetic traits of every individual should be scientifically scrutinized for an accurate determination and identification of the substance involved in the development of the disease in parallel with its molecular mechanisms. Works Cited Athan, Eleni S. , Lee, Joseph H. , Arriaga, Alex, Mayeux, Richard P. , and Tyco, Benjamin. â€Å"Polymorphism in the Promoter of the Human APP Gene.† Archives of Neurology 59 (2002): 1793-1799. Bloom, Elin. Genetic Studies of Alzheimer’s Disease. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University, 2008. Felician, Olivier and Sandson, Thomas A. â€Å"The Neurobiology and Pharmacotherapy of Alzheimer’s Disease. â⠂¬  Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 11, 1 (1999): 19-31. Jayadev, Suman, Steinbart, Ellen J. , Chi, Yueh-Yun, Kukull, Walter A. , Schellenberg, Gerard D. and Bird, Thomas D. â€Å"Conjugal Alzheimer Disease. † Archives of Neurology 65, 3 (2008): 373-378.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Observation paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Observation paper - Essay Example This paper discusses the basis of females making use of a gym setting and how they are able to reap success through the differing standards which are in common use in the times like today. It has been observed that within a gym setting, not many women feel comfortable. This is because they believe that unwanted people are staring at them for peculiar reasons. Then again, there are women who generally disconnect with the world around them and concentrate on getting fit and healthy. Their gym exercises are such that they rely on them alone without thinking about anything else. Within a gym setting, females usually feel insecure because they are a victim of their own gender. They have no clue why men look at them and would like to know what is so special about them that makes the women clan feel down. However, this does not imply for all men being like that. There are some handful of men who want the women to feel subjugated for ulterior motives that they have best knowledge about. I found out within a gym setting that a female was being constantly harassed by a group of men who were also training with her. I discerned that there was a mess which was entirely under the aegis of gender that needed to be taken care of. The woman under consideration was not wary of how shabbily the men were talking about her. All she felt was that the men did not look at her in a dignified manner. She knew something or the other was fishy that made her conspicuous of the entire scenario at the gym (Hurley, 1996). She tried changing her stance to let the men know that she was watching but the men were bent upon creating a scene for all the wrong reasons. Some thing or the other needed to be done about it and so did this woman go up to the gym manager and complained about the men present in the gym as they were creating a scene for reasons best known to them. When they were inquired about the gender harassment that they were indulging into, they completely

Friday, September 27, 2019

Quantitative Methods Class discussion wk7 Coursework

Quantitative Methods Class discussion wk7 - Coursework Example It means there must be parameters of identifying effective model inputs and outputs to improve robustness for further research (Anderson, 2012). Third, sensitivity analysis would be helpful when presenting certainty and uncertainty prospects when interpreting headcount, linear programming, operating expenses, and future tax rates. Therefore, in regards to understanding how shadow price operates, it is integral to understand the function of monetary values in the calculation of costs. Calculation, thus, entails the determination of how marginal utility applies in the economics of constrained optimization. Additionally, seeking of optimal solution means that the shadow price must abide by the limited resources that are found in the production line when a business is operating above a given limit. In the same context, through the use of infinitesimal change and the Lagrange multiplier, dual variables are calculable because of cost decisions. Overall, shadow pricing focusses on the impact of monetary values of goods and services being sold at the optimal level in the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Analysis of Brutish You Have to Hand it to the Neanderthals after All Research Paper

Analysis of Brutish You Have to Hand it to the Neanderthals after All - Research Paper Example On the contrary, the findings make it more probable that the Neanderthals made the paintings. The article also posits that the wrong dating resulted because scientists dated the paintings using the calcium carbonate layer, which is now believed to have accumulated on the artistic paintings years after the paintings had been made. This paper is an analysis of the article â€Å"Brutish? You have to hand it to the Neanderthals after all† authored by David Keys and featured in The Independent. The paper will also scrutinize additional research related to the articles content as well as dating of Palaeolithic cave painting in Europe. The paper will also try to establish the credibility of Keys' article and application of the research findings. Making use of a process referred to as uranium-series disequilibrium, the group that was led by Pike measured the radioactive decomposition of uranium and dated hand stencils and disks in El Castillo cave in Northern Spain. The paintings had been made by using the mouth to blow paint on the wall. The artistic paintings were found to be least 40,800 years old making them the oldest form of art in Europe. These results have ignited the debate on who is responsible for the cave paintings found in Spain and France. Previously, the paintings were attributed to modern humans but research acknowledges that modern man had not invaded Europe 41,000 years ago. At this period, Neanderthals inhabited Europe, which suggests that they could be responsible for these artistic paintings (Keys, 2012). Chauvet Cave paintings in central France were previously recognized as the world's oldest cave art paintings. The Chauvet cave paintings were dated 39,000 years old. However, the Chauvet cave dating is still controversial since it relies on radiocarbon dating making use of charcoal pigments. Archaeologists have put forward that dating based on charcoal pigments is unreliable since the pigments are susceptible to contamination by other forms of carbon, which would affect dating results. Additionally, using charcoal pigments could be erroneous in that the period when the fire was lit might not coincide with the time the painting was made (Keys, 2012; Pettitt and Pike, 2007). I selected this article due to its relevance to our understanding of the past and  human history particularly the interactions between the Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. Primordial cave paintings lend a hand in connecting the modern man to the past species. Understanding the activities of the Neanderthal is crucial since he was the immediate ancestor of Homo sapiens, the modern man. Understanding Neanderthal would thus enhance a better understanding of the development of the art of painting. Additionally the findings suggest that the Neanderthals could have been the inventors of cave painting but passed the art to Homo sapiens. Evidence shows that modern humans first appeared in Northern Spain about 41,500 years ago, as successors of the Neanderth als. These findings are contrary to current perceptions that the Homo sapiens instigated artistic painting and that Neanderthals did not practice cave painting (Zilh?ao, 2007; Keys, 2012). Another important aspect roused by these findings is that the interaction between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals coul

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Impact of Labour Turnover in the Hospitality Industry on Guest Essay

Impact of Labour Turnover in the Hospitality Industry on Guest Satisfaction - Essay Example The aim was to prove that the hypothesis of acceptance of this culture leads to devastating consequences and that high turnover must be prevented, minimized, and managed. In order to meet the aims of the study, it was necessary to examine the causes and nature of turnover, whether it is considered to be bad or if it is considered to be good and necessary in the operation of companies. Existing arguments were examined as some believe that high turnover is desired in the hospitality industry yet some do not believe it to be a positive thing. Another argument included turnover as a culture of the industry. The Greek market was used as a case study to provide examples and illustrations which proved the writer’s hypotheses and aims. The Greek hospitality industry’s study also allowed the examination, evaluation, and findings of this study. In order to meet the objectives of this study, a literature review was conducted to define high turnover and various aspects of the topic in relation to the hospitality industry. Turnover is when employees stay only for a short time before moving on or becoming dismissed for one reason or another. (D’Announzio-Green, Maxwell, & Watson 2002, quote Barron and Maxwell, 1993, p. 5). â€Å"Turnover is the result of both quits and layoffs.   Thus, some turnover is a result of jobs in one firm being destroyed and jobs in another firm being created  Ã¢â‚¬â€ and hence due to the reallocation of jobs across the economy in response to changes in product demand.   A majority of job changes, however, are because workers reshuffle across the same set of jobs, and this worker reallocation occurs over and above job reallocation,† as written by Lane (2000).   Some hospitality industry sources report that turnover rate is between 100 and 150 percent each year.   This causes poor attitude amongst staff and affects the quality of service and care that is given to the customers.   (Crabtree, 2005.)   It is usually considered to be a bad thing; however, as Stark (2004) states â€Å"research has demonstrated that some turnover is healthy, indeed essential to organizational well being.†Ã‚   Scholtz (n.d.) reports that there are companies who have a turnover rate of ten percent or more and think it is a good thing because â€Å"they are replacing the bottom performers with new people will improve organizational performance.†

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The curriculum resourcing of the teacher librarian Assignment

The curriculum resourcing of the teacher librarian - Assignment Example Once the best materials are selected, the students and the teacher will have an ample time to complete the required curriculum in the required time. The library is a celebrated institution in the life of a student. The library contains the resource that the student will need to get a better understanding of the studies he or she partakes. Hence, it should require well-informed curriculum materials. Introduction A library is a structured assortment of books, journals and even on line material an institution or community for gathering information uses that (Bishop, 2007). In the life of a student, the library offers a haven of information resource that can be used to ease the study work of the student. For students, this is usually critical because most of what they learn in school is mostly found in the library. Getting the necessary information; therefore, becomes vital to these young scholars. The resources found in the library are taken through thorough processes before they are qu alified to be included as resource materials in the library. This is because a lot of care has to be taken when these sources of information are being gathered (Church, 2007). The absolute best books and journals should be used for the accomplishment of the apprentices, and the school. The compelling thing is that libraries consisted of stone tablets that were gathered in a room for storage in the past. These shows those even in the past, libraries were significant. The processes of acquiring the libraries' resource materials have changed drastically since then (Clayton & Gorman, 2001). The process of acquisition of the resource material has become more complex with time. This is because a number of factors such as units of study or subject/topic requirement must be considered for a resource material to be selected. The student should benefit from the resources choosen, or that are available to him. Most of the learning institutions have adopted new ways to ensure this (Conger, 2004 ). The modern library can have on-line platforms and visual aid gadgets just to mention a few. This has created a bigger platform for the student to use. So what make a dependable and resourceful library? What are the acquisition and selection procedures for these resource materials? In order to answer the following question we need to understand the need to be satisfied for the curriculum point of view. Curriculum In a modern school or any other learning institution, there are sets of courses that the learner needs to cover. These courses are put in an organized manner that ease and smoothes the student’s process of learning through out the learning period. These sets and the order they are organized in is called a curriculum (Craver, 2001). For the student to pass the studies he or she is taking, they must fulfill the curriculum to the satisfaction of their teacher or examiner. For a good curriculum, some few aspects should be carefully considered. These environments surrou nd the student throughout the teacher’s course (Evans & Saponaro, 2005). They affect the learning process of the student, hence if lightly taken; the student may have trouble in his studies. One of the main aspects to be considered is the unit of works the student will have to take. The units of work are courses that student require to pass the level of education or to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Impact of Pinyin on Chinese people's ability to learn foreign Research Paper

Impact of Pinyin on Chinese people's ability to learn foreign langauges - Research Paper Example It is now possible for Pinyin speakers to connect sounds to written forms of words. This knowledge is helpful in acquisition of a phonetic based language like English. As far back as the 1930s, Chinese leaders like Mao Zedong noted that the traditional systems of writing Chinese, such as Zhiyin, Fanqie, and Zhuyinfuhao, were too difficult to learn. Because of its dependence on characters, most of the population could not learn sufficient characters to develop a rich vocabulary. Therefore, Latinisation was regarded as a mechanism for quickly eradicating illiteracy in China (DeFrancis, 2006). Difficulties in reconciling differences between written and oral Chinese also motivated the introduction of Pinyin. Chairman Mao stated that the Chinese language had several contradictions, as written Chinese came from symbols yet spoken Chinese did not (DeFrancis, 2006). It was thus difficult to learn the language and transmit knowledge in written forms. Prior to the 1950s, people who supported this movement held key positions in government. Therefore, political will existed to reform the language. However, after the 1950s, a different group known as Mao Zedong took over the government, and was dedicated to the suppression of the Pinyin movement. Regardless of this opposition, intellectuals persisted in pushing for reforms until Pinyin was finally adopted in 1958. Learning a new language is often easier when the second language has elements of one’s primary language. For a language such as Chinese, these similarities are particularly imperative in facilitating the learning process. In the United States, Chinese is regarded as one of the most difficult languages to learn. The US government has established a categorisation system in which they classify languages according to their ease of acquisition. Chinese, Arabic, Korean, and Japanese are all category IV languages, meaning that they take the longest to master. These

Sunday, September 22, 2019

New business challenges in the Saudi market Thesis

New business challenges in the Saudi market - Thesis Example The objective of this research is to acquire a better insight business challenges in the Saudi market. Many emerging economies have been turning to their new businesses for economic growth. This has been the primary drivers of economic growth for most of the emerging and developing economies. Also, majority of the businesses in many countries worldwide are dotted with these new businesses. However, in Saudi Arabia, the performances of their new businesses have been very dismal. In fact, despite accounting for over 90% of their industries, these start-up companies only manage to employ less than a quarter of their labor force. As such, this situation has been believed to be a strong contributor to the high unemployment rate in the country. However, it seems that problems beyond entrepreneurship drives are pervasive in the country. In fact, there are many foreign workers in the country and statistics show that foreign male workers hold an even bigger chunk of employment than their Saud i counterparts. This has shown a more systemic problem in the country involving the education system of Saudi Arabia. Also, there should be an increase in the contribution to the economy from the private sector and the paper will attempt to explain the underlying problems affecting the new businesses in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, there policies of the country such as the Nitaqat and Saudization will be explored so as to shed more understanding into the possible solutions to the wanting contribution of the private sector in the country’s economy. ... The country is governed by a monarchy system of government and is a predominantly Muslim country. It is among the richest nations among the Arab states and this is mainly due to the oil that it exports. In 2010, the country’s oil fields churned out approximately 10.5 billion barrels per day (bbl) and so far, this has been the greatest source of revenue for this Arab state (CIA World Factbook, 2011 and Library of Congress, 2006). However, there is a growing need to diversify the sources of income for the government and basically, the country cannot forever rely on the public sector and its oil to be the only revenue generators for the country. Therefore, the country needs to encourage the strong growth of the public sector, especially the new businesses that will have to provide the necessary diversity to the Saudi economy as well as the needed boost for its economic growth. Although the country enjoy a relative prominence among its regional neighbours, the economic weakness of the country is seeping out reflected by the increasing unemployment in the kingdom. According to the ILO (2010), the global crisis that emanated from the deep recession among the advanced economies has adversely affected Saudi Arabia’s economy. Being among the world’s most voracious oil consumers, it is easy to see why the deep downturn in the advanced economies has greatly affected the economy of oil producers, most notably Saudi Arabia. The adverse effect of the economic turmoil that deepened the problem of unemployment in Saudi Arabia clearly demonstrates the lack of diversity in its economy since it is heavily reliant on oil. This commodity has been largely controlled by the state therefore it is easy to see why the public sector has been

Saturday, September 21, 2019

1984 Oppression Essay Example for Free

1984 Oppression Essay In the dystopian novel 1984, George Orwell portrays a society where betrayal is not only acceptable, but it is actively encouraged through the use of psychological manipulation, which demonstrates the weakness of the individual to resist oppression. The party has built the society in such a way that when Parson is turned in by his daughter to the Thought Police he reacts with â€Å"sort of a doleful pride† (233). Parson is an example of the unthinking masses of the society; he has been oppressed for so long his ability for individual thought has been greatly diminished. He doesn’t even question if he truly committed treason against Big Brother, he does not take into consideration that his seven year old daughter may be lying. Parsons doesn’t show any anger toward his daughter that betrayed him, his response is the exact opposite he is proud that his daughter is doing what is best for the party. The party’s oppression of the individual begins at birth, through methodical thought conditioning. The party transforms the children of the society into model citizens that are willing to betray their own flesh and blood. See more: Foot Binding In China essay Through the party’s use of psychological manipulation the framework of the society urges its citizens to pursue the enemies of Big Brother. This further cements the Party’s power. The party dehumanizes them so that their inhibitions are only showing loyalty to the party. Through the domination of thought the party ensures that its citizens are completely loyal to Big Brother. The telescreen is a tool for the party; the citizens of Oceania live in constant fear of being monitored by the screens that they end up betraying their thoughts through their body language. â€Å"The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look, a habit of muttering to yourself-anything that carried with the suggestion of abnormality†(79). Oceania’s citizens don’t know when they are being watched, the byproduct of this is the citizens policing themselves, giving the Thought Police the ability to completely control them. The fear produced by the telescreens lead the people expose themselves to the eyes of the party, which ultimately leads them to betray themselves .The party overwhelms the minds capacity by a constant stream of propaganda coming out of the telescreen at all hours of the day allowing the party to completely dominate the minds of the people, taking away the potential of individual thought. Betrayal in the society George Orwell created in 1984 was expected. Through the domination of the individual thought, and their inability to resist that oppression, betrayal of one’s comrades was only natural. Individual thought was so greatly overshadowed by the party’s constant stream of propaganda in the novel that there was no place for it in the minds of the citizens. The psychological manipulation that the party inflicted on its citizens everyday made it impossible for the individual to resist oppression.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Creating an Information Security Policy

Creating an Information Security Policy Being relegated as the Chief Security Officer for the University is a requesting position and I mean to speak to the University in an expert matter. My first task is setting up and keeping up a venture wide data security program to guarantee that all data and information resources are not traded off. I will examine my arrangement to execute these obligations long with this System Security Plan. Programmers have been assaulting the University arrange framework and my first activity is to do a hazard evaluation of the University framework to find how the programmers are get to the framework. I will likewise need to re-set up framework safety efforts to secure the University organize. The Universities firewalls, interruption identification frameworks (IDSes), servers, switches, and remote get to focuses must be re-secured from any assaults. These procedures will help in securing the University from programmers focusing on a lot of delicate private and profitable data including names, locations, SSNs and other touchy and private information. The most essential assault to dispose of is the money related issues the assaults cost the University. The procedure that I plan to execute is like different Universities inside the neighborhood, Institute of Technology and Georgia State University. The first is to build up an Information Security Policy in which staff and understudies will hold fast to. In Georgia State University security arrangement states, 2006, Condition of Security. The Statutes of Georgia State University accommodate the interior administration of the University. As noted in Article VI of the Statutes, the University Senate is the body that activities the authoritative capacities managing the general instructive approach. Moreover, the obligations of an Information Systems and Technology Committee (ISAT) are sketched out in the Senate Bylaws (Article VII, Section 18), incorporate the conference on the advancement of data innovation approaches. By and by, data security approaches are produced by the Information Systems and Technology office in participation with Information Technology Security and Support Subcommittee (ITSSS) and submitted to the ISAT for input. The mission of the ITSSS is to survey and suggest arrangements, rules, and principles to empower the proceeded with accessibility and trustworthiness of the registering and system foundation. Moreover, its enrollment comprises of data innovation experts from a bunch of schools and offices. Proposed Action Items 1) Update Information Security Web nearness to incorporate grounds advisories, InfoSec occasions, arrangements/methods, and security mindfulness materials. 2) Computer Security Incident Response Team will direct intermittent audits of Information Security Policies/Procedures for their proceeding with reasonableness, ampleness, and adequacy. Georgia Tech has Information Security police in the addendum 4.1 Copyright and Intellectual Property. The approach that will be set up would tie for any infractions led by staff or understudy. The approach will cover all parts of the system security of the University. The arrangement is primarily to ensure that it secures the University, staff part, and understudies to be stay in understanding to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (1984), Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act (1998), and Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act (2003). Since an approach will be upheld the following thing is to discover an instrument that would help with securing the University arranges. The one organization that I trust that would have the instruments to appropriately ensure the system is Trustwave. Data about the organization is given in its pdf document, Trustwave is a main supplier of data security and consistence administration answers for expansive and independent ventures all through the world. Trustwave investigates, secures and approves an associations information administration framework-from the system to the application layer-to guarantee the assurance of data and consistence with industry benchmarks and directions, for example, the PCI DSS and ISO 27002, among others. Money related organizations, huge and little retailers, worldwide electronic trades, instructive foundations, business benefit firms and government offices depend on Trustwave. The organizations answers incorporate on-request consistence administration, ov ersaw security administrations, computerized declarations and 247 multilingual supports. The organization can furnish the University with an aggregate system security framework with its Campus Network Support that comprise of Network Penetration Testing, Application Penetration Testing, Network Access Control (NAC), and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM). The organization will have the capacity to likewise give Data and Intellectual Property Protection Support by Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Encryption, Security Awareness Education (SAE), Extended Validation SSL, and Two-calculate Authentication. The cost for the item wont cost the University to a lot of a money related tie. The cost range is as taken after: TrustKeeper SSL Plus Pricing 3 Year Price 2 Year Price 1 Year Price $300.00/yr. ($900.00 total) $335.00/yr. ($670.00 total) $394.00/yr. Two Factor Authentications Digital Certificate Based Great for Remote VPN Access Free Technical Support No Tokens Free lifetime re-issuance and revocation Manage Web Site Access Low Cost Easy to administer Easy end user deployment 250 Users 3yrs $8,221/ 2yrs $9,699/ 1yrs $11,089 As I expressed before about guaranteeing that the arrangement holds fast to laws to ensure the University, staff, and understudies. Some different laws that the college should cling to in the condition of Georgia are in understanding to the Child Exploitation and Computer Crimes Unit (CEACCU), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Digital Millennium Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and CDC 42CFR Part 73. The University, staff and understudies can be charge by the state or government with infractions of any of these laws. A case of this is portrayed by Rasmussen, 2011, warning for a school or college would be any of the accompanying: a recognizable proof record that seems produced or adjusted, an ID where the data recorded contrasts from what was given on the budgetary guide or confirmation application, an application that seems to have been modified or a circumstance in which a man applying for credit declines to (or intentionally does not) give distinguishing reports. The controls require schools and colleges with secured records to devise an arrangement of rules to manage and avoid circumstances that are warnings. Under the Red Flag Rules, the FTC may force common punishments (up to $2,500 per infringement) for knowing infringement of decision that constitute an example or practice. On the off chance that the FTC observes infringement of the control to be uncalled for and beguiling, the FTC may likewise utilize its power to issue restraining orders and other requirement activities. In spite of the fact that there is no private right of activity for rebelliousness with the Red Flag Rule under the FCRA, casualties of data fraud might have the capacity to bring claims under different speculations of obligation, for example, private torts. The Red Flag case is only one case of how rebelliousness could mean inconvenience for advanced education foundations. Another case by Rasmussen, 2011, If procedures arent set up to stop-or in any event restrict-an IT security break, the money related misfortunes could gather rapidly. In December 2010, The Ohio State University (OSU) advised a great many understu dies and employees that their own data was traded off by programmers who broke into a grounds server. Names, Social Security numbers, dates of birth and addresses were all at hazard. In spite of the colleges claims that there was no proof the information was really stolen, the break was still assessed to cost the college $4 million in costs identified with investigative counseling, rupture warning and charge card security. This does exclude any administrative activity that may have come about. In any case, the $4 million sticker price in the OSU break is likely quite recently the tip of the ice sheet. The 2010 Ponemon Institute U.S. Cost of a Data Breach report found that the normal information break cost organizations $214 per traded off record and arrived at the midpoint of $7.2 million for each information rupture occasion. These figures were gotten from associations that included instructive foundations, and could without a doubt apply to most colleges given their substantial client base and incomprehensible measure of direction. Moreover, the report found that it wasnt recently lost portable workstations or stolen streak drives that brought about information breaks. Ponemon found that malevolent assaults were the underlying driver of almost a third (31 percent) of the information ruptures considered. To give additional data with respect to indicting PC violations is secured under the United States Department of Justice Prosecuting Computer Crimes Computer Crime and In tellectual Property Section Criminal Division, Debilitating to Damage a Computer: 18 U.S.C.  § 1030(a)(7) Summary (Felony) 1. With aim to coerce cash or some other thing of significant worth 2. transmits in interstate or outside business a correspondence 3. containing a:threat to harm an ensured PC Or, then again risk acquiring or uncovering classified data without or in overabundance of approval or, then again. Request or demand for cash or incentive in connection to harm done regarding the coercion. The offense detail is, with purpose to blackmail from any individual any cash or other thing of significant worth, transmits in interstate or remote trade any correspondence containing any- danger to make harm a secured PC; (B) risk to acquire data from an ensured PC without approval or in abundance of approval or to impede the secrecy of data got from an ensured PC without approval or by surpassing approved get to; or (C) request or demand for cash or other thing of significant worth in connection to harm to an ensured PC, where such harm was brought on to encourage the blackmail; should be rebuffed as given in subsection (c) of this area. The punishments are: An infringement of segment 1030(a)(7) is deserving of a fine and up to five years in jail. 18 U.S.C.  § 1030(c) (3 )(A). In the event that the litigant has a past conviction under area 1030, the greatest sentence increments to 10 years detainment. 18 U.S.C.  § 1030(c)(3)(B). Certain colleges utilize diverse or similar projects for PC crime scene investigation innovation. As expressed by George State University, 2006s, Symantec LiveState Delivery venture administration programming will keep on being put into generation all through 2007. This tremendously intense apparatus can be utilized to mechanize the arrangement of patches, working frameworks, and applications. This is one framework they use to ensure and can likewise screen their framework. Another instrument is utilized by colleges, company, and governments, which is AccessData Forensic Toolkit, FTK (Forensic Toolkit). FTK is a court-acknowledged computerized examinations stage that is worked for speed, investigation and undertaking class adaptability. Known for its natural interface, email examination, adjustable information perspec tives and strength, FTK lays the structure for consistent development, so your PC legal sciences arrangement can develop with your associations needs. Also AccessData offers new development modules conveying an industry-first malware investigation capacity and cutting edge perception. These modules incorporate with FTK to make the most complete PC legal sciences stage available. The cost for the framework is FTK 4: $2,995; Cerberus Expansion Module: $2,400; Visualization Expansion Module: $999; MPE+: $3,000. The diverse working framework are Cerberus) and to analyze email and records in a completely new way (Visualizer). The Mobile Phone Examiner Plus (MPE+) adds cell phones to the collection. It yields a record that can be included specifically into a case, alongside pictures from PCs. This makes connection quick and clear. EnCase is the most generally perceived apparatuses by law-authorization and business clients. The business standard PC examination arrangement is for scientific experts who need to direct effective, forensically solid information accumulation and examinations utilizing a repeatable and faultless process. The cost is $3,000 for a corporate permit, in addition to support of the framework. EnCase has a few modules, for example, EnCase ® Smartphone Examiner which is intended for law requirement, security investigators, and e-disclosure pros who need to survey and forensically gather information from cell phone and tablet gadgets, for example, iPhone and iPad. Agents can prepare and investigate cell phone gadget information close by different sorts of advanced proof inside any Guidance Software EnCase ® item. EnCase ® Virtual File System (VFS) Module effectively mount and audit confirmation, (for example, a case, gadget, volume, or organizer) as a read-just from outside the EnCase ® Forensic condition. Valuable for confirmation audit by agents, resistance specialists, prosecutors, barrier guide, and other non-EnCaseà ƒâ€šÃ‚ ® Forensic clients. Bolsters various record frameworks and effortlessly mounts RAIDS, encoded, or compacted volumes. EnCase ® Physical Disk Emulator (PDE) Module mount a picture of a recreated hard drive or CD in read-just mode, permitting the utilization of outsider devices for extra examination. Additionally gives a stage to juries to see advanced proof in a recognizable configuration. PDE can mount drives from a few record frameworks, in spite of the fact that the substance may not be perceived by WindowsEnCase ® Decryption Suite apparatuses appropriate for decoding of circles, volumes, documents, and envelopes. Fit for decoding: Microsoft BitLocker, Microsoft BitLocker, GuardianEdge Encryption Plus/Encryption Anywhere/Hard Disk Encryption, Utimaco SafeGuard Easy, McAfee SafeBoot, WinMagic SecureDoc Full Disk Encryption, PGP Whole Disk Encryption, Microsoft Encrypting File System (EFS), CREDANT Mobile Guardian, PST (Microsoft Outlook), S/MIME encoded email in PST records, NSF (Lotus Notes), Protected capacity (ntuser.dat), Security Hive, Active Directory 2003 (ntds.dit), and others. FastBloc ® Software Edition (SE) a quick, dependable, and flexible answer for securely gain of each part of an objective hard drive even those regularly outside the working framework. You can likewise wipe or reestablish drives. Plug-n-play obtaining of IDE drives, USB thumb drives, USB and Firewire outside capacity FastBloc ® SE underpins a wide scope of famous IDE/SATA PCI controller cards, and select SCSI controllers. These are only a couple devices that colleges can utilize and the principle ones I recommend this University to use for PC legal sciences. I do trust that with the data I have given to the University that it will have incredible trust in me to deal with the position it has enlisted me for. I really do welcome this open door and work at this position. Reference Easttom, C. Taylor, J., 2011, Computer Crime, Investigation, and the Law, Cengage Learning, Mason, OH Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011, Computer Network Usage and Security Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Rev. 4.04 Georgia State University, 2006, Georgia State University SYSTEM SECURITY PLAN, Georgia State University Rasmussen, R., 2011, The College Cyber Security Tightrope: Higher Education Institutions Face Greater Risks, SecurityWeek Internet and Enterprise Security News, Insight Analysis education-institutions-face-greater-risks U.S. Department of Justice, Prosecuting Computer Crimes Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section Criminal Division, Office of Legal Education Executive Office for United States Attorneys Vacca, J.R. Rudolph, K., 2011, System Forensics, Investigation, and Response, Jones Bartlett Learning, Sudbury, MA

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Technology and its Impact on American Culture :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Technology and its Impact on American Culture As an amateur reporter for the school newspaper, I have had the opportunity to interview quite a variety of people on many different topics. One of my favorite questions to ask is, "What do you think has had the most influence on American culture?" Why do I like asking this particular question? The answer is simple: the variety and range of responses. While some answers are more interesting than others, I must say that I've learned quite a bit from all of them. For example, I once posed my 'famous question' to a teenager while waiting in line outside a movie theater. At first, she just stared at me with a look that clearly said, "Who are you and why are you asking me this?" I stood silently with one eyebrow slightly raised, waiting to see if she would come up with an answer. She seemed to consider for a moment and replied, "If we have culture, it comes from TV." I had to agree with her. Television, whether we like it or not, plays a huge role in how our society functions and how our culture has been shaped since its invention. Up until 1935, televisions were not electric as they are today. They were mechanical, powered by a small motor with a spinning disc and a neon lamp. The picture projected was very small, sometimes half the size of a business card, and only showed shades of orange and red. From 1935 up until World War II, the electric television was perfected and made ready for public distribution. The electric television provided a much larger, clearer screen with a full range of colors. In 1948-1949, during the post-WWII spending craze, the television became a must-have item for every American family, bringing a world of information and entertainment into living rooms across the country and changing the way Americans viewed many things. One effect TV has had on how we view things is in the area of advertisement. A few weeks ago in English, my class had quite a discussion on the subject of commercials. A person can tell what type of society they live in by simply watching the commercials during any TV program. One example, in America, is the numerous ads for various types of medication. From this, it is easy to see that our society cares a lot about health care and making sure that they feel healthy. Technology and its Impact on American Culture :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers Technology and its Impact on American Culture As an amateur reporter for the school newspaper, I have had the opportunity to interview quite a variety of people on many different topics. One of my favorite questions to ask is, "What do you think has had the most influence on American culture?" Why do I like asking this particular question? The answer is simple: the variety and range of responses. While some answers are more interesting than others, I must say that I've learned quite a bit from all of them. For example, I once posed my 'famous question' to a teenager while waiting in line outside a movie theater. At first, she just stared at me with a look that clearly said, "Who are you and why are you asking me this?" I stood silently with one eyebrow slightly raised, waiting to see if she would come up with an answer. She seemed to consider for a moment and replied, "If we have culture, it comes from TV." I had to agree with her. Television, whether we like it or not, plays a huge role in how our society functions and how our culture has been shaped since its invention. Up until 1935, televisions were not electric as they are today. They were mechanical, powered by a small motor with a spinning disc and a neon lamp. The picture projected was very small, sometimes half the size of a business card, and only showed shades of orange and red. From 1935 up until World War II, the electric television was perfected and made ready for public distribution. The electric television provided a much larger, clearer screen with a full range of colors. In 1948-1949, during the post-WWII spending craze, the television became a must-have item for every American family, bringing a world of information and entertainment into living rooms across the country and changing the way Americans viewed many things. One effect TV has had on how we view things is in the area of advertisement. A few weeks ago in English, my class had quite a discussion on the subject of commercials. A person can tell what type of society they live in by simply watching the commercials during any TV program. One example, in America, is the numerous ads for various types of medication. From this, it is easy to see that our society cares a lot about health care and making sure that they feel healthy.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay: Controversy Distorts Capital Punishment :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Controversy Distorts Capital Punishment    Is it just me, or have we become totally fixated with the issue of capital punishment? Save abortion, I can't think of a single issue with more passionate advocates on each side. Waiting for the controversy over capital punishment to be resolved is like waiting for Godot.    What amazes me most about all of this passion and fervor is the fact that, on the grand scale of things, it really doesn't make a lick of difference. Oh sure, it matters to the guy who gets the needle in his arm, and it's an issue of concern to the families of his victims, but it doesn't really touch the rest of us one way or the other.    Do proponents of the death penalty really think death is a worse punishment than life in prison? Have you seen the state of our prison system these days? These places are so purgatorial that Dante should be taking notes. I'd say that execution is a merciful and favorable alternative to being incarcerated with this mà ©lange of Darwin's elite. Any sensible person would rather be skewered to death by toothpicks.    The interests of justice aren't perverted just because a murderer spends 40 years dying of dysentery rather than getting a shot of Liquid Plumber in his veins. Either way, the guy's not going to be making the same mistake twice.    On the other hand, opponents of the death penalty make it seem like all we've ever done is execute innocent grandmothers. Of course, there are probably a significant amount of innocent people getting whacked each year by the state. But as I said before, the alternative to dying for something you didn't do is spending the rest of your life as some 7-foot tall Neanderthal's girlfriend.    Critics of the death penalty often claim that it's a racist system, evidenced by the fact that African-Americans make up 12 percent of the general population but 55 percent of death row inmates in Texas. But men only make up 48 percent of the population and they consist of 98.5 percent of the death row population. If we're going to point out the prejudices of the system, sexism seems like a much more plausible complaint.    I'll admit that when you look at the numbers, it certainly looks like a racist system. Capital Punishment Essay: Controversy Distorts Capital Punishment :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics Controversy Distorts Capital Punishment    Is it just me, or have we become totally fixated with the issue of capital punishment? Save abortion, I can't think of a single issue with more passionate advocates on each side. Waiting for the controversy over capital punishment to be resolved is like waiting for Godot.    What amazes me most about all of this passion and fervor is the fact that, on the grand scale of things, it really doesn't make a lick of difference. Oh sure, it matters to the guy who gets the needle in his arm, and it's an issue of concern to the families of his victims, but it doesn't really touch the rest of us one way or the other.    Do proponents of the death penalty really think death is a worse punishment than life in prison? Have you seen the state of our prison system these days? These places are so purgatorial that Dante should be taking notes. I'd say that execution is a merciful and favorable alternative to being incarcerated with this mà ©lange of Darwin's elite. Any sensible person would rather be skewered to death by toothpicks.    The interests of justice aren't perverted just because a murderer spends 40 years dying of dysentery rather than getting a shot of Liquid Plumber in his veins. Either way, the guy's not going to be making the same mistake twice.    On the other hand, opponents of the death penalty make it seem like all we've ever done is execute innocent grandmothers. Of course, there are probably a significant amount of innocent people getting whacked each year by the state. But as I said before, the alternative to dying for something you didn't do is spending the rest of your life as some 7-foot tall Neanderthal's girlfriend.    Critics of the death penalty often claim that it's a racist system, evidenced by the fact that African-Americans make up 12 percent of the general population but 55 percent of death row inmates in Texas. But men only make up 48 percent of the population and they consist of 98.5 percent of the death row population. If we're going to point out the prejudices of the system, sexism seems like a much more plausible complaint.    I'll admit that when you look at the numbers, it certainly looks like a racist system.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Foucault and kant Essay

Both Kant and Foucault present a question of what is enlightenment? According to Immanuel Kant enlightenment was man’s freedom from his â€Å"self-incurred immaturity†. Kant believes that all that is needed to reach enlightenment is freedom. Enlightenment could not be achieved by any one person, we have to do so as a community. Kant said that we should have the freedom to make public use of our reason in all situations. He also believed that revolution is a great way to remove oppressive government heads but it would not teach the community to think in a different way. Kant says that the matters of religion is the focal point of enlightenment. Thinking and acting freely is mans enlightenment and emerges us from our immaturity. Foucault’s text is a reflection upon Kant’s views on â€Å"What is enlightenment? †. Foucault addresses many of the issues with Kant’s essay on â€Å"What is Enlightenment? † and says that is written in a world era to which no one belongs to. He says that enlightenment is an â€Å"exit† or a â€Å"way out†. Focault says that we have not yet reached enlightenment and that once we achieve this enlightenment there will be nowhere else to progress to and we will achieve our limit. I agree with Foucault over Kant’s view on enlightenment. I think as a whole we have not reached our enlightenment and I don’t think we will for a very long time. Although Kant said in order to reach enlightenment we have to do so as a community. We cannot do this because this is something that exceeds our limits as human beings.

Monday, September 16, 2019

“High Tide in Tucson” Barbara Kingsolver Essay

This Essay is from her book of essays â€Å"High Tide in Tucson† in which Barbara Kingsolver shares her beliefs and her commitments – specifically, in family, community, the common good, cultural diversity, the world of children, and child rearing, which she lets in or rushes out to embrace all the wonders, beauties, threats, and angers that life and earth can offer. It also touches on many aspects and nuances that make life worth living; she is able to draw from her experiences to teach others the many life lessons that she has learned about child rearing. This excerpt from her book has a very personal tone; this closeness makes her story more realistic and believable. It is this sincerity and openness that makes the story warm. The author has been known as an advocate of nature. She devotes much respect to the other inhabitants of her world. Not only does she love Nature for the sake of life, but she is also is a mother fiercely trying protect the world’s natur al beauty for her daughter to relish. There is much life throughout this writing and she does a great job of portraying things as they are, without many of the biases that we find in society today. â€Å"Raising children is a patient alchemy,† she declares; Most important are Kingsolver’s reflections on her mission: because it aims to convey truths we know but can’t feel, â€Å"good art is political, whether it means to be or not. The attention she brings to the natural world in her writing accomplishes what good writing should: it expands the universe and brings critical attention to things we might otherwise take for granted or never have even thought about. I’ve read a few of her essays and they are human and believable. (I.e. her feelings and thoughts about alternative families, feminism, sustainability and the environment) about; her 2-year-old daughter’s acts of defiance, and occasionally frustration at the state of the world in which we live she does so with passion. The essay gives a warm tribute to our animal nature and its ability to tune itself into the natural rhythms of life, despite ourselves and our absorption in a world full of wants.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Influence of celebrities X parents Essay

Invasion of the celebrities in homes around the word have an impact in children life. Celebrities are everywhere. Media like television shows, Internet, and magazines make the presence of celebrities constant in daily live, and this presence result an influence under younger. Sometimes this impact agrees with parents’ values but sometimes diverges. While parents work hard to give a good education for their children, the widely spread of some celebrity behavior make a mess in younger minds. As well as parents, personalities have a meaningful presence in young lives. Appearing al the time celebrities concur with parents for children attention. Occasionally, teenagers prefer to be in front of television watching their favorite shows than spend time with family. In some cases, celebrities can have a positive influence under children. Teens might admire a disciplined athlete, a philanthropic actor and also they might be impressed by parents ethical conducts. It is known that misbehavior of celebrities is widely divulged, and adolescents that are exposed to these behaviors might change their comportment. Young usually follow the celebrities tends like hairstyles, clothing, and even ideal. Opinions and values may change and sometimes can go against the father and mother principles. Family usually teaches their successors what is right and wrong. However, celebrities behavior like the singer Justin Bieber, that get involved in a minor scuffle with paparazzo, may give to children an impression that it is normal, and also they may think that these conducts are acceptable by society. The disclosure of celebrity lives may make children mind sometimes resulting in a divergent values of their parents, in other perspective agree with parents education. The incessant presence of personalities involves the younger mind and leads boys and girls to change their behavior. Comportment example tends copied from children. The comportment can come from TV stars and parents. Depending the type of example, younger shift their thoughts to better, but maybe it can prompt in a behavior in opposite to their parents. Notably, as well parent celebrities easily influence children. For this  reason, parents cannot underestimate their power, and they have to assume the control of their children.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ethical Perspective on Assisted Suicide Essay

Moral and ethical debates attempted to resolves controversial issues but never seem to end with everyone agreeing. Often these ethical and moral debates are complex and involve opinions persuaded by religion or customs and have legal implications to consider. Physician assisted death is one of these very complex and controversial issues that all people will never agree on. Many questions arise in the debate of physician assisted death such as patients’ rights, physicians controlling the right if someone lives or dies, a patience’s mental state, a family member’s rights, religious beliefs of the parties involved and the law. Philosophers attempt to explain the different theories that people will use to argue their belief systems in terms of logic and reasoning. For example, some people may take the position of a deontologist who would argue that it is our moral duty to support and sustain life therefore assisted suicide should not be allowed. Unfortunately, this very emotional thought provoking debate is not a â€Å"black and white issue,† as most ethical arguments are not. In the situation of physician assisted death I disagree with the deontologist point of view that it is immoral for a physician to assist a patient in suicide. I believe as some relativist due, that as long as the patient is fully capable of making this decision and the patient is in a constant state of agony, then the patient has the right to make the choice to live or die. A relativist believes that morals are only relative to that particular society and if physician assisted death was considered moral in that group then it would be considered a moral act. Neither theory is without flaws as some deontologist even share my point of view and some relativist can be very extreme in what they feel is relative to being morally right or wrong. The bottom line is that people will probably never completely agree on this subject. Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death Physician assisted death is also referred to as PAD. Physician assisted death is the more politically and ethical term versus physician assisted suicide. There is also a difference that should be made known between euthanasia and PAD. In a situation of euthanasia the physician administers the lethal does by injection to the patient ending the patient’s life. In physician assisted death the doctor write a prescription for a pill that the patient oluntarily administers themselves that will end their own life. Physician assisted death is now legal in two states, where Organ passed the law in 1994 and Washington state passed the law in 2008. That means in forty eight states it is against the law to assist the patient either directly or indirectly in ending the patient’s life. If a physician even provides information to the patient that would f acilitate their death the doctor can face criminal charges and lose their medical license. Many people are familiar with the radical doctor Dr. Jack Kevorkian who used the method of euthanasia. Dr. Kevorkian is responsible for euthanatizing over 130 people some of which were either clinically depressed or terminally ill. Dr. Kevorkian created a huge debate across the United States that gave rise to many questions such as to the legality of the constitutional laws and ethical perspectives. Laws that are passed don’t not always represent a societies ethical views and vice versus a, some ethical standards are against the law. If everyone had the perspective of relativists, then the laws would vary from city to city. For example, every other city could be for physician assisted death or against it creating a checkered board effect of laws that very from city to city. This because the relativist believes that morals are only relative to what the society believes. Dr. Kevorkian was tried in a Michigan court on four of assisting suicide and was convicted of one count which has videotaped and released to the popular television show â€Å"60 Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death Minutes. † Another doctor by the name of Derek Humphry’s whose wife died a slow agonizing death by cancer started a foundation in his wife’s memory, called the Hemlock Society to provide information to dying patients on how to take the â€Å"final exit. † (Howard Ball 2012) Medical technology has advanced over the years and has allowed us to live healthier and more active life styles. However, with medical advancement came the ability to prolong life and at times keeping patients alive beyond what I feel God has called them to live. At the point in life when a person is being kept alive by a machine breathing for them and intravenous nutrition being given, one has to ask themselves is this â€Å"has medical treatment gone too far by interfering with a natural part of dying. † It seems medical technology has crossed the line at times because it is no longer a matter of improving the quality of life but prolong a natural death. There is a moral dilemma that is taken place where doctors are making billions of dollars by providing long term health care to patients beyond what nature has called for. During the twenty century medical technology advance to point of creating an epidemic where people could live longer lives but it didn’t always guarantee a quality life. Without being able to take care of oneself or enjoy the life they worked hard to create many people feel they don’t want to live a life of suffering. Many people feel they have lost their dignity and don’t want their friends and family to remember them in a feeble state of being. This brings up the question of what is happiness and considered quality of life. I believe the deontologist perspective takes away a human beings right to choose how a person wants to live. A deontologist will argue that life must be sustained because it is our moral duty but isn’t it our moral duty to end a human beings suffering or to let people die a natural Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death death? In fact some deontologists do believe that morals are obligations based on religious beliefs and they don’t support sustaining life in every situation. For example, if a woman was pregnant and the baby was going to cause the death of the mother then they may believe it is acceptable to terminate the pregnancy to sustain the life of the mother. Yet others could argue â€Å"who is to say what is natural,† and when someone should die. Many people who support legalizing patient assisted suicide believe it is the patient’s right to die with dignity but other would insist that society has a moral obligation to preserve life. The relativist would state if the society believes it is moral to condone patient assisted suicide then for the society it is morally correct. â€Å"The view of ethical relativism regards values as determined by one’s own ethical standards, often those provided by one’s own culture and background. Rather than insisting that there are moral absolutes, moral claims must be interpreted in terms of how they reflect a person’s viewpoint; moral claims are then said to be â€Å"right in a given culture† or â€Å"wrong for a given society. (Mosser, K 2010) Those that argue against physician assisted death will argue it is our duty to protect and preserve all life. People will argue their points of views using logic, reasoning and provide supporting evidence. However, in the case of ethical debates there often is not any evidence to support a claim on either side of the issue. Consequently, as much as people will try to argue their point of view with reasoning an d logic their emotions can get in the way and make it difficult to persuade the other person. Many times the family is involved in the case of physician assisted death and each family member may have different ethical beliefs then the patient. This can make the decision even more painful as we taken into consideration the effects our decisions Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death have on other people. Philosophers attempt to explain how people will argue their point of view by providing different ethical theories as with relativism and deontology. The deontologist believes that it is our moral duty to protect and preserve life and that physician assisted suicide is an immoral act. Rather than looking at the consequences of an act, deontology looks at the reason for which an act is done, and the rule according to which one choose to act. Deontology doesn’t deny that acts have consequences; rather, insists that those consequences should not play a role in our moral evaluation of such acts. †(Mosser K 2010) Under the deontology theory a person would claim that it is wrong for a physician to assist a patient in committing suicide because the result is death and we are to preserve life not assisting in taking their life. Deontology and Ethics 2013) This theory would provide that there is no reason good enough to go against ones moral and civic duty even if it means allowing someone to suffer in pain, which ignores the patients’ rights. The terminally ill patient not only wants to live with having their quality of life and having dignity but they also want to die with dignity. The terminally ill patient has few options such as suicide or living in extreme pain. Some patients are too ill to even get out of bed to be able to commit suicide. Terminally ill patients that are suffering should not be made to feel demoralized for wanting to end their suffering. If the patient has paid into a life insurance fund all their life the company mostly likely will not pay their loved ones death benefits if they commit such an act. The problem is patient assisted death is not recognized as a medically necessary procedure. There is also a great stigma that comes along with committing suicide that the families have to live with after their loved one has died. I belief in the individual autonomy Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death Many family members feel disgraced that their loved one acted against their religious beliefs. (Lois Snyder, JD, and Daniel P. Sulmasy 2001) Family members can find themselves in court fighting again other members of their family to keep their loved ones alive. Going to court can be an emotionally painful process and doing so puts the patient through more emotional agony. Many families will break apartment because their ethical views differ so greatly. Roman Catholic Church has been the one biggest contesters of physician assisted death. Ethical arguments are based on beliefs systems that are learned through culture and religion therefore are only relative to that person or society. The One of the issues with relativism is that is a person’s beliefs can be too extreme and farfetched. Under the law of relativism any belief system relevant to that person would be considered ethical even murdering someone. Many doctors and nurses struggle with their feeling on patient assisted death because their morals and ethical views tell them it is wrong to assist a patient in death but they have great sympathy seeing their patients in pain and they want to help. Also, doctors take the Hippocratic Oath which states that doctors will never harm their patients but I argue the facts that prolonging death is harming the patient and takes away their constitutional right to choose death. Many religions believe as deontologist do in that is against their religion to assist someone in procuring their own death but that is exactly it the issue that it their belief system and not everyone’s. The constitutional represents the Liberty Due process clause that says it is a fundamental right for terminally ill patients to die with dignity by the assistance of a medical professional. Lawyers have argued the fourteenth amendment which allows a doctor to remove life support as the last dying will and testament of the patient yet a physician cannot medically assist a patient in ending the life of a terminally ill person who is verbally requesting it. (Howard Ball 2012) Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death Moral and ethical debates spark heated debates and cause controversial issues and never seem to end with everyone agreeing. These ethical and moral debates are complex and involve opinions persuaded by religion or customs nd have legal implications that must be consider. Physician assisted death a very complex and controversial issues that all people will never agree on. There are a lot questions that arise in the debate over physician assisted death such as patients’ rights, physicians controlling the right if someone lives or dies, a patience’s mental state, a family member’s rights, religious beliefs of the parties involved and th e law. It seems that both theories have their flaws. The relativist can be too extreme in their view points because anything can be considered moral if the society feels it is relative. While the deontologist view point is too constrictive and only takes into consideration that a person’s morals are their obligation and a duty to others. The deontologist would ignore the right of the patients even if they were suffering to conform to their obligations and moral duties. I am partial to believing that the patient has a right to choose if they want to live or die under certain circumstances. I believe that morals and ethics are not built on one theory alone but on many parts of theories that consist of logic and reasoning. People will continue to understand the different ethical theories that explain why certain societies believe the way they do. Some people may take the position of a deontologist who would argue that it is our moral duty to support and sustain life therefore assisted suicide should not be allowed. Unfortunately, this very emotional debate has many dynamics, as most ethical arguments do. In the situation of physician assisted death I disagree with the deontologist point of view and feel it is immoral to take away a patients right to end their own suffering. I believe to a certain extent as some relativist believe, that as long as the patient is fully capable of making Ethical Perspective on Physician Assisted Death this decision and the patient is in a constant state of agony, then the patient has the right to make the choice to live or die. The relativist believes that morals are only relative to that particular society and if physician assisted death was considered moral in that group then it would be considered a moral act. Each theory has flaws. Some deontologist share my point of view and some relativist can be very extreme in what they feel is relative to being morally right or wrong. The bottom line is people will probably never completely agree on this subject. As our society evolves and continues to become more liberal in their ethical views on controversial topics such as gay marriage, abortion and personal liberties more states will continue to pass laws support physician assisted death.

Ecco’s global value chain management Essay

1. Describe the competitive environment of ECCO and determine how well ECCO is positioned (vis-à  -vis the competitors) to take advantage of changes in the industry. 2. Analyze ECCO’s global value chain. How well does this configuration match the drivers in the industry? Analyze ECCO’s global value chain. High demand for quality and reduced lead times led the company to a self-sufficiency approach on streamlining its entire value chain from raw hides to finished shoes unlike its major competitors who only designed and marketed their products without in house manufacturing. In having a global network of tanneries, production facilities, research centers and distribution centers, ECCO is able to meet customer demands in specific geographic locations in terms of response times which lead to customer satisfaction. Additionally the firm accrues from benefits of lower labor and production costs and different expertise levels in different locations which can be in turn transferred down to the customers. According to Porter’s value chain framework, ECCO utilized various strategies to achieve a balance of responsiveness and efficiency in their efforts to improve its global value chain . Specifically, the firm utilized: 1) Firm infrastructure In having a factory based in Slovakia, uncertainty and risk of political instability in Thailand could be mitigated by helping to drive up volume between plants and ensuring quicker delivery speeds to markets in Russia & Poland. 2) Human Resources Management ECCO ensured knowledge remained in the company through promoting workers from within and improving worker skills through trainings. 3) Technological Development R&D activities were relocated to the production sites where they could adequately support production processes and optimization of materials. The key competencies of the firm were in product development and production technology to ensure customer comfort in the shoe designs. 4) Procurement ECCO maintained high demands for quality and lead times for the vendors and worked only with experienced firms in building their factories. 5) Inbound Logistics and Outbound Logistics Streamlining of logistics was performed through location of tanneries adjacent to shoe production facilities in Indonesia & Thailand Distribution centers in United States and Denmark were strategically located to serve the market demand in order to match market needs. Appropriate modes of transport such as by sea, vans, freight planes and lorries were utilized depending on the nature and urgency of deliveries. 6) Operations The firm also accrued benefits of sustainability by having control over the entire value chain as it could directly tailor its R & D efforts into production and closely monitoring operations. The distribution centers adapted to changing business environments by expansion to meet capacity demands and closure of some warehouses when sales to the Danish market reduced. 7) Marketing & Sales Utilization of specialty outlets and multi-brand stores ensured ECCO’s shoes would be accessible to the target market of consumers focused on high quality rather than fashion and elegance. Establishment of sales subsidiaries and production units spread all over the world enable the firm to save in terms of labor costs and spread risk. ECCO’s marketing team screened samples and made forecast volumes and production styles before the set shoes were scheduled to be in demand. 8) Service The firm concentrated on utilizing special expertise to its advantage in the case of the Thailand firm producing complicated shoes due to the ability of the Thais to deliver first class workmanship. In addition to shoe manufacture, ECCO supplied leather to auto & furniture industries which offered an alternative market for the tanneries and generated more revenue for the firm. How well does this configuration match the drivers in the industry? Ownership of tanneries, factories and leather research centers  maintained the firm’s brand of commitment to quality and boosted the company’s ambition and confidence in delivering products that met customer expectations In reducing the number of vendors, the company was able to maintain high quality levels through close quality control measures and maintain its brand image of working to create the perfect shoe. The firm also made compromises to its approach in some cases by outsourcing its production for shoes that could not be nefit from its in-house technology. Most firms in the shoe industry outsourced production as a way to cut production and vendor logistic costs. 3. ECCO has a fully integrated vertical value chain. What are the pros and cons of this strategy? What economic and strategic factors should be analyzed to answer this question? Pros: Higher demands of quality can be achieved (e.g. through better quality control) supports the company’s vision of high quality products Core Technology stays within the company You have more price control (=> less exposed to price fluctuation) Eliminate the intermediaries (and obtain the margin of supplier / intermediaries) Higher economies of scale Ability to access leading expert knowledge about tanning Implement shoe and company specific Research & Development (for example less pollution => can be used for marketing) Potential for growth Access new markets  attaining market power => eventually monopolize the market Get into new markets (auto and furniture industries) => diversification => risk spreading Shorter lead times achievable Shows a high level of ambition and confidence Less transaction cost Easier coordination of all stages to reach the objective of customer’s satisfaction More control: You can have more influence on how the product is presented to the people and you can block competitors from getting access to scarce resources Reduce transportation costs if common ownership results in closer geographic proximity ECCO example: factory and tannery in China Increase entry barriers to potential competitors, for example, if the firm  can gain sole access to a scarce resource Cons: Difficulty of integrating the different stages into one entity It requires different skills It may decrease the focus on core competencies High organizational requirements => eventually costs too high It deepens the position in the same field => less flexibility for different variants => not responsive to changing wants of the customer e.g. ECCO is attached to leather shoes Maybe less quality because of lack of competition Strategic and economic factors that should be analyzed: How technology intensive is the market? What skills are needed? Do we fulfill these needs? Can we compete with other companies? Is there a market entry barrier? How much do we have to invest? How many distributors / suppliers are available? How competitive is their market? How big is their margin and market power? Will an integration result in less price fluctuation? Do we have enough resources to realize the organization of the whole supply chain? Do we really want to reinforce our position as a leather shoe fabricant? Or do we want to achieve higher flexibility to open chances to enter new markets? Do we generate a higher supply chain surplus with a vertical strategy? Are there laws or political issues to be considered? Are current suppliers unreliable, expensive or cannot supply the required inputs? References: 4. Is ECCO following the inside-out or outside-in strategic perspective? What are the implications of this choice and how can ECCO increase their sales/marketing efforts? ECCO is following the inside-out strategic perspective. Inside-out strategic perspective definition: â€Å"You pick your own brand direction. You take a stand, confidently go out to the world and declare, â€Å"This is what we stand for and the way we are going.† A combination of gut instincts and sheer courage is enough to create the conviction that your brand strategy will resonate with your target audience. You believe with all your heart that by sticking to your guns, you’ll win a loyal following.† Evidence supporting this perspective in the paper: â€Å"most wanted brand within innovation and comfort footwear – a position that can only be attained by constantly and courageously researching new paths†¦Ã¢â‚¬  – Company Vision Statement â€Å"Evidently, trends in the market it terms of fashion and elegance were important, but usability was ECCO’s highest design priority.† This indicates that ECCO has chosen their brand direction, and even though they do follow market trends, they are maintaining their current course. â€Å"ECCO is not a fashion brand and it never will be. We do not sell shoes where the brand name is the most important and quality is a secondary consideration. Primarily, we sell high-quality shoes and that is where we seek recognition.† – Soren Steffensen (Executive Vice-President, ECCO) A â€Å"fashion brand† would be a good example of a company utilizing an outside-in strategic perspective. Steffensen also addresses ECCO’s brand direction in this quote. Implications of following the inside-out strategic perspective: Often not enough market research is done by companies following this strategic perspective because they are supremely (over) confident in their vision. Inside-out strategic perspective leads to undifferentiated brand strategies like â€Å"excellent usability†, â€Å"high quality†, or â€Å"great value†. An inside-out brand strategy really doesn’t take into account wants/needs of customers. Instead, ECCO attempts to dictate what these wants and needs should be. Ways to increase sales/marketing efforts: ECCO can increase sales by shifting more from â€Å"inside-out† to â€Å"outside-in† in their strategic perspectives. This means instead of simply saying â€Å"X is our priority and Y and Z are our goals†, the company should take customer wants/needs and market trends more into account and tailor their brand direction around this target market. Even though Soren Steffensen states that ECCO is essentially a shoe company focused on utility, perhaps sales would increase with a greater focus on fashion. A company with a greater  emphasis on fashion would probably be a company utilizing an outside-in strategy. Companies based on an inside-out strategic perspective usually require more extensive marketing efforts than companies founded on an outside-in perspective. This is due to the fact that inside-out companies are creating products that the customer has less input in. With this less input, the customer needs to be convinced to purchase the product. 5. How is family ownership affecting ECCO? Comment on the corporate ownership structure and its implications for strategy-making and implementation. What alternatives exist?